Billing on Facebook

229 مشاهدة

Billing on Facebook

Facebook ad pricing is based on an auction system in which ads compete for impressions based on bid and performance. When you run your ad, you will be charged only for the number of clicks or impressions that the ad receives. The “Billing” or invoicing tool on Facebook, is one of the most important tools of a business manager. Through the billing tool, the debts and bills that must be paid are known. Below we will learn how this tool works.

Billing on Facebook

  • The billing tool can be used on Facebook, from the campaigns page or the “Campaign” from the “All tools” click on the “Billing” button, as we can see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • After pressing the “Billing” button, a page titled “Payment Activity” will appear.
  • From that page, choose the advertising account for which you want to know the bills in case you have more than one advertising account, as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • After choosing the ad account to see its billing, the amount to be paid will appear to you as we see:


  • The box that says “Pay now” will appear for you to start paying.
  • And you can specify the date you want to know the invoices for that period, as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • At the top left of the page you will find a button with two options:


From it, all transactions made in the advertising account are displayed.

Account Spending Limit

Here it displays the maximum value of the ad account that can be spent on the ad account as we see:

Account Spending Limit - Transactions

  • You can also view your billing results on Facebook, in a more specific way. This is by specifying, for example, to display the invoices that have been paid by this visa via the “Payment method” button, then we activate the filter as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • You can also select the billing display for a specific ad or campaign by using the same button, we choose the “Campaign ID”.
  • Then we write the “ID” of the campaign you want, as we see:

Campaign ID

  • You can get the “ID” of the campaign from the “Campaigns” page. We choose the campaign we want to know the “ID”. We click on “Edit” as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • The campaign page appears, we click on Review from the top of the page, as we can see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • A page appears with all the information related to the campaign, including the “ID” you want to determine the bills for the campaign you want, as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • The most important point in the billing clause on Facebook is related to the “Payment Settings”, from which you can set the payment methods, when the payment will be made, and the maximum spend in the advertising account.

Payment Settings

  • When we click on the “Payment Settings” button, a page with the same name appears.
  • The first box, which is “Current balance” on this page, tells you if there are amounts worth paying, as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • Then comes the “Payment Methods” billing on Facebook, through which you can select the payment method you want.
  • When you click on the “Add Payment Method” button, you will see two payment methods:
  • “debit or credit card”: It is a payment by visa of any kind.
  • “Ad credit”: It is about coupons that Facebook offers in some countries at a reduced price. I mean, for example, get the value of ads worth 800 dollars for only 750 dollars, but this service is not activated for us.
  • There is a third method called “Paypal”, but you will not see this method unless your account deals in dollars.
  • You can add more than one payment method. You can also choose any of these means, click on it, and make it the primary payment method.
  • From the same page we work on, you can make an “Account spending limit”, meaning setting a maximum value for this advertising account. So that all ads will be stopped if the amount you have specified is reached.
  • By clicking on the points next to the “Account spending limit” box, we choose “Set limit” as we see:

Set limit

  • After pressing “Set limit”, a screen appears, we write the amount you want to set, then press “Save” as we see:

الفوترة على الفيسبوك

  • The last box on that page is the “Business Info” which is the data that you want to add to the invoice. In the event that you submit your invoices to any company or accounting device by pressing “Edit,” a page appears, fill in the data in it, and then click “. save” as we can see:

Business Info

Let us agree that invoicing on Facebook is one of the most important business tools, because through it you pay bills, determine payment methods, and know the amounts you have paid, and you can also determine the maximum amount of exchange if you want to.

Read also: Track conversions on Facebook Pixel

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