Facebook publishing tools that are used

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Facebook publishing tools that are used

We are talking here about the publishing tools that help you in the process of publishing your posts on the Facebook page that you own. Which will facilitate and organize the publishing process that you make on Facebook pages. You can find the publishing tools on the sidebar of your Facebook page. You will see a detailed dashboard that lists the post and story metrics, and we will explain these tools in detail as follows.

Posting tools on the Facebook page

When you log into your Facebook page. The first thing you think about is writing a post here. In these next lines, we will tell you what publishing tools you use in your posts. Perhaps the first of these tools is the “Create post” button, as shown in the picture:

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  • After clicking on the “Create post” button, a screen will appear with a place to write the desired post or text.
  • You can add a photo or video.
  • It is also possible to put a key that enables the customer to communicate with you “Contact” via WhatsApp or through the “Messenger” as we see in the picture:

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In the event that the post is created in this way, you will lose many features that have already been activated in the settings or “Settings”, such as the “Language Multi”, so if you want to publish the post in more than one language, you will not be able to do so because you do not have the option to do so. Even specify their age groups or interests. All this we will not find when you create a post in the traditional way, so here is the solution to all that will enable you to make a post in a more professional way. The first of these methods are:

Publishing Tools

  • It is an option found in the “Page Manage” menu, which is listed under the “Publishing tools” menu, and you will find it at the top right of the page:

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  • When you click on it, you will see all your posts that have been published, and this is one of the most important publishing tools. It will also show the number of interactions, when it was published, and whether it was public or private. All of this appears to you as shown in the picture:

أدوات النشر التى يتم استخدامها على صفحة الفيس بوك

  • You can also choose a post specifically on the box indicated in the image:

أدوات النشر التى يتم استخدامها على صفحة الفيس بوك

  • When you select a specific post, you will see all the interactions and comments related to the post, as shown in the picture:

أدوات النشر التى يتم استخدامها على صفحة الفيس بوك

  • Each post has an ID. As we have seen in the previous figure, we can insert the Post ID from the Publish Tools or “Tool Publish”.
  • And we can specify any action we want, for example, we can choose “Post Delete” to delete the post.
  • ” Post Edit ” to edit the post.
  • You can also make an advertisement from the “Ads Create” ad center, but this we will discuss in some detail at a later time.
  • There are some different “Performance” of the post, and any detailed stats for that post.
  • What matters to us is the presence of the “Post Create” key, which is for posting the post in a professional way. Click on the “Post Create” button or create a post as we see:

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  • Then its page appears, and inside it we write the “Text” that we want in the field designated for that, as we can see:

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  • Then select whether you want to add a video or photo to the post you want to publish.
  • After that, click on the publish button.
  • There is an advantage in the “Tools Publishing” that you can publish this “Post” on Facebook and Instagram at the same time if you select the “Instagram” option, as we see in the following figure:

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In this case, the same post will be published on the two platforms at the same time, but this requires that you have a “Link” in the first place to your page on Instagram. Thus, we have become acquainted with the publishing tools and publishing methods for publications on the Facebook page.

In the following article, we will learn about Facebook algorithms for published photos and videos.

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