Facebook sponsored message ads

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Facebook sponsored message ads

Now we will talk about sponsored message ads. They are advertisements with a specific offer or any form of advertising, that come directly to the inbox of the customer, who has communicated with your page before through messages. You can mark a boosted or sponsored post by metrics such as reach, post views, and conversations initiated with messages. Let’s learn how to create sponsored message ads.

How to Create Sponsored Message Ads

  • To make funded message ads, first from the campaigns page, we click on “Create”.
  • Then we choose the advertisement called “Messages” as we see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • We name the campaign with any name we choose, let it be (contact).
  • Then we go to the “Ad Set” and choose the type of advertisement, which is “Sponsored message”, as we see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • Then we choose the page on which you want to place the advertisement.
  • We set the budget, but note that here it is preferable to make the budget “lifetime”, and here you are asked to specify a period of time to communicate with customers. Because Facebook will not send a message to a person until it is confirmed, that this person is using his phone and is already there to communicate directly with him. To make this Facebook, it takes time, not less than 3 to 4 days. As we can see, Facebook is supposed to be 6 days. You can reduce or increase the number of days as you want:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • As for the budget, no matter how large the number is written in the budget field. It doesn’t matter because Facebook will not pay anything other than the people it sends messages to. Meaning that if we assume that your audience is 200 people and here we can specify because it will only send a message to people who have already contacted you. Facebook will only send 200 messages to 200 people, which makes the budget spent very little.
  • Note also that sponsored message advertisements are a low cost type of advertisement.
  • We come to the “Audience” item or the audience, we find that it is not activated, because in this type of ads you do not choose the audience, but Facebook sends messages to people who have communicated with you before through messages.
  • As for the “Placements” or the place to display the advertisement, there is only one option chosen by Facebook, which is “Manual placements”, as we see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • Facebook in the “Placements” selects only the inbox of the customer who has contacted you before, as we can see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • We come to the “Optimization & delivery” item, and we find that it is locked to the selection of “Impression” or the number of access times.
  • We also find “Delivery type” or “Accelerated”. This means that the advertisement can expire within a day or several days. This depends on the number of people who contacted you before, and the readiness of these people to receive messages, as we can see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • Now we go to the “AD” or advertisement page, we find that it is a little different from other advertisements. You find that it asks you, do you want the advertisement only text or text and an image, as we see:
  • إعلانات الرسائل الممولة
  • You can choose what you want, let it be here we choose text and image.
  • We choose the image.
  • Write a title for it.
  • And you can write a subtitle for the image “Image Subtitle”, as we can see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة على الفيسبوك

  • We come to the item “Customer actions” or customer actions. You can select one of the two options:
  • Buttons: meaning that I can add keys to the message as I want by pressing “Add Button” as we can see:

إعلانات الرسائل الممولة

  • Quick replies: These are questions that will be presented in the message, and the customer chooses the question he wants, and you start answering these questions manually, as we see:

Quick replies

  • We also find a button called “Connect your bot”, which is specific to programs specialized in making automatic responses, such as the “Many chat” program. In the event that you are using these programs for quick responses, you can click on the “Connect your bot” button, and write the so-called “Payload” which is a “URL” very specific to the “Many chat” program, in order to start the ChatBot by managing the dialogue with the user.
  • But most of the time we use the selection of Buttons. It is possible not to add anything, and only write the advertisement with an appropriate and attractive title and sub-title for customers.
  • Therefore, when you send the message to customers, they will contact you. As we said before, one of the most important advantages of sponsored message ads is that their cost is very low. You do not need to specify an audience because the audience here is already defined by who has already contacted you.
  • All this was based on choosing the “Sponsored message” from the “AD Se” page.
  • In the case of choosing the other option, which is “Click to message”, we find that there are other options on the advertisement page or the “AD”.
  • In the “Message template” item, we find several options, as we can see:

Message template

  • Start conversations: Which is what we’ve done now.
  • Generate leads: It is an ad to collect data. With this option, we can create private ads to collect data or auto-responders found in this type of ads.
  • Advanced setup: This option requires programming intervention with JSON.
  • It is best to choose “Start conversations” as we saw in the previous steps.
  • Or we choose from the “New Ad Set” page, from the item called “Ad Type”, we choose the “Sponsored Message”.

So here we are, we have finished the section devoted to the advertising of funded messages on Facebook. In the next article, we will learn about message ads on Facebook.

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