Google Content Formatting to Improve Page SEO

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Google Content Formatting to Improve Page SEO

The term “SEO Copywriting” refers to the writing technique that allows you to write optimized content for search engines. This part of SEO is less technical and more content focused, it is more related to the crafting and formatting of content for Google.

I will show you how to create good content that can get good ratings on Google. I will also give you some on-page SEO tips.

Is there a specific formula for writing content that is suitable for SEO?

Knowing how to write from an SEO perspective means writing for search engines However, let’s remember that the primary goal of a content writer is not to please the search engine but to please the readers. So today, more than yesterday, badly written, repetitive, illogical, keyword-laden compulsively placed texts are behind countless sloppy, illogical web pages. That’s why, after all this, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no specific writing format for putting a page on Google. The important thing is to know how to write well and to be familiar with the topic you are talking about in detail. There are procedures to study and plan for content crafting and guidelines, but all of this has nothing to do with SEO as much as it has to do with good writing.

The stages of planning content writing from an SEO perspective

Let’s say you have to write a simple article for a photography website and talk about a new mirrorless camera from a well-known Japanese brand. What should you do?

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industry study

The point and point of this is that you can’t write content about a topic you don’t know. So you have to study the topic you are about to write on first, you should discuss with your client in order to fully understand the topic you will have to write about and understand all the details, meanings of the terms and different aspects. You will have to read and master certain vocabulary, study competitors, and browse industry forums to learn more about what people are looking for and what they want to know about a particular topic. Understand known and latent needs related to a topic. In the given example, you will have to know and understand the difference between a reflex camera and a mirrorless camera, and understand why the latter has achieved so much success and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

Research on topics of interest to the buyer’s personality

Good content is content designed for the right buyer persona. The buyer persona is the ideal user and potential customer who is interested in the products, services and topics covered on the site. When planning an editing plan and text drafting, it is important to think about the issues that need to be dealt with in order for it to be truly beneficial to the end user. It will be necessary to think about the style of writing that you intend to use in the content, adapt it to the goal to which it is directed and above all to the context in which it should be included.

Example of buyer persona content

Going back to our example, if this camera is at a professional level, you will have to write technical content and use specific terms. The top of the range is aimed at a generally professional or highly qualified audience and is looking for completely different features and performance compared to a low-budget hobbyist. Conversely, if the camera you are writing about is at a beginner level, then the content will appeal to the amateur audience, who do not know the terminology of photography.Their interests have little to do with purely technical characteristics, but perhaps more to do with portability, size, and simple basic shooting quality. So, when you are trying to write these SEO oriented articles, you should first think about the user and after that comes the role of the search engine, the technical procedures and the content format for Google that will be done on the page (title, h1, h2, meta description, etc.).

Keyword search

Partial keyword study with market study. It is an important aspect of SEO strategy and therefore also important in defining the editorial plan or in the drafting of the article. We have to choose the topic, keyword and related keywords that we want to write the article on and see if they are really relevant to the content of our site and they have to be contextualized and formatted for Google. In fact, it is generally useless to waste a lot of energy on terms that are not searched and do not serve the content of the site and therefore will not achieve any advantage in terms of traffic and conversions to our site. There are tools that can help us and provide us with an estimate of the average monthly searches done by users and the relative competition including the keyword planner from “Google,, Ubersuggest”. Another interesting tool for searching queries, especially for bloggers, is the “Anwer” audience. All of these tools allow you to get an average monthly search figure.

search intentions

Be careful, writing an SEO optimized article doesn’t mean that the target keyword is exaggerated and doesn’t fit the context or focus only on it. It is necessary to use auxiliary phrases and extra words in order to write content that targets the healthy search intentions of the user, which adds value to the site. Another useful tool for this purpose is definitely SEO Hero which allows you to find the words and terms used in the first 100 results placed in the SERP for a given search.

Editing plan

Creating an editorial plan for the articles you want to write, gives you a clear idea of ​​where you want to write. Having a general vision of the project makes it possible to define goals, clearly define locations and always present new and interesting content.

Writing SEO Friendly Content

Content is king as they say in the field of search engine optimization. Here are some ideas that will make you able to create a page, as well as provide relevant content that is easy to read and use:

  • Write original, high-quality content that answers a specific search.
  • Repeat keywords naturally – focus on the content, not the keyword, don’t stuff the keywords.
  • Divide the text into paragraphs to make it easier for the reader to read and comprehend.
  • Prefer a writing technique called inverted pyramid, in order to provide an immediate answer to a problem and not waste the user’s time.
  • Use, only if necessary, and if logically necessary in context, numbered or bulleted lists, they simply aid in reading.
  • Format content for Google such as use bold color for keywords to make it easier to read and attract attention.
  • Never copy and paste from other sources to avoid getting into copyright issues and penalties.
  • Backlink your content and link it to trusted sites in Google.
  • Link to other internal pages to create links to topics and ideas.
  • Cite the sources if they are used.

This was a set of optimization techniques most used in SEO writing a few years ago. Fortunately now they are much less.

E-A-T (Experience – Credibility – Trustworthiness)

The content you write must respect the EAT Form, which is an acronym that stands for: Expertise, Authority, and Confidence. It’s a system Google uses to rate page quality according to the rules of that model, and it’s a 175-page document that should be read at least once by every SEO professional and content writer. According to this model:

  • The main content author (MC) for the page must be an expert on the topic.
  • That the content itself and the site be trustworthy.
  • The content writer, manager, and the site itself must be reliable

Without overdoing it, there is a guideline from Google, that when you are writing content that you are really expert in, you should focus on the quality of the content itself, on the format of the content for Google, and on the real purpose of creating the page.

How to write an SEO article on a page

Google is constantly evolving, and the main goal, as we expected, is to show you valuable content that meets a specific search query. However, I think that in addition to the content, we must respect the rules of SEO, even the most basic ones, to get good rankings. Perhaps one of the most important of these improvements is the interest in formatting content for Google, and this is what we will present now.

Title tag

Determining the correct structure of the page is essential. To improve it in the eyes of the user and search engines, it is important to use headings and sub-headings correctly. Title H1 – is the most important title of the page, it must contain the keyword you want to put in the content. SUBTITLE H2 – The text should be divided into paragraphs with subheadings, this makes it easy and logical for those paragraphs and subheadings to contain related keywords or auxiliary words. It can be repeated more than once to divide the page into other subsections, H3 – it should appear and nest inside h2 and indicate the beginning of a subsection that has less weight than that of h2.

H4-H5-H6 At the SEO level they have a lower value than the first three, but if they are used they should maintain the same hierarchical order.

SEO title

Writing a good title is important to grab a user’s attention when viewing a site’s page snippet within a search engine’s SERPs.

To gain benefits on search engines, it is recommended that the article’s target keyword be placed in the first part of the title. Phrases are simple, the title should be between 50 and 60 characters. The tendency to put the keyword at the beginning to avoid because Google often truncates the last part of the title if it is too long, so it is preferable to put the keyword at the beginning of the title and this is also useful in coordinating the content for Google.

meta description

It’s a description of, about 150/160 characters, that appears under the title and “URL” within the snippet in search engine results.

To create SEO friendly content, this description should summarize the content that the page is about, it should also contain relevant keywords and help words. Metadescription isn’t quite as powerful as SEO as it was a few years ago, Google often decides to put the thing it extrapolated at its discretion depending on the typed query, but if it’s well written and if it’s visible, it can lead to a higher CTR. Also, the meta description is not related to the content formatting for Google.

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Alt text for image

Among the essential elements of on-page optimization, which can be among the duties of those who deal with writing from an SEO perspective, there is the optimization of the images that are uploaded to the site and this is just as important as formatting the content for Google entirely. Images on pages or in a blog post must be properly named, directly from the file, with the target keywords you want to place the page for. Once uploaded to the site, it must have an alternative and an address. Moreover, thanks to artificial intelligence, Google can begin to understand the content of the image, so it is recommended to choose relevant images that truly reflect the theme of the page.

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Internal and external links

When writing SEO friendly content, it is important to use internal links. These links should point to the relevant pages of the article that can help the user to understand the topic more. On the other hand, for external backlinks, it is very important for the site to improve its ranking in search engines, especially when linked to reliable sources.

Use an SEO friendly URL

URLs, as far as possible, should not contain any strange numbers or characters after the domain extension, but should contain clear, legible text. Therefore, if possible, blank spaces or keywords with tags or special characters should be avoided. In the URL, there should be the target keyword, to allow the user to immediately understand the content and location of the page. That’s why breadcrumbs are relevant as well. All of these steps will put your site in the first positions in the ranking of search engines next to the content format for Google.

CTA “Call to Action”

Make your site include phrases that make it easier for the visitor to react to the content and alert you to take action. You can enter phrases of encouragement through the buttons click here or through the links just make them clear within the page.


As a content writer, you must pay close attention to the content format for Google, as formatting is an important part of the user experience, which of course affects the optimization of search engines. It is right to pay attention to fonts that can be read better and easier in terms of font size and line spacing to aid reading. With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, the user prefers larger, clearer, easier-to-read fonts that don’t get tired of seeing on the screen.

Length in SEO Copywriting

It was claimed and widespread that the article must be at least 300 words, in order to be able to get a good ranking in the search engines. This from the past has shattered that belief especially after the spread of SEO with the Yoast add-on. Today, the first criterion for classifying an article in search engines has become that it is a quality article that serves the right search intentions because it contains what is important to those searching for certain words, depending on the topic, the way it is listed, its details, and the content format for good Google, and then the content can be any length you want.

Content is not limited to text

You must remember that the content of the page should not only be textual, but also videos or podcasts, or images that show steps. The first and last goal is to satisfy the user who uses it. If I want to explain how to cut the pattern, it is better for the user to see a video explaining this. Better than reading an article of 3000 words that doesn’t make any sense.

You know that the factors that determine a site’s position on the first pages of Google are not just about writing SEO-friendly content (there are other factors like internal and external backlinks – page rank – age of the domain – similar articles to the competition, etc.), but all of this It is unavoidable that learning to write from an SEO perspective and knowing the right rules for good writing and content formatting for Google will definitely yield very good results.

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