How to create a successful website?

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How to create a successful website?

Being in the digital space has become a necessity for every business, and also for everyone looking for a way to make profits from the Internet. Learning how to create a successful website is one of the important steps to start your path to success on electronic platforms. The matter is not as easy as imagined, but there are a set of necessary steps to take, which we will learn about in this article.

What is a website?

ما هو الموقع الإلكتروني؟ 

A website is a collection of pages compiled and created through specific programming languages ​​such as HTML, css, and java script. It is accessed through different browsers such as Google Chrome, Bing, Firefox, and others. It is composed of important elements starting from design and content (text, images, videos, …. etc.) that are stored in a storage space on the Internet called hosting or server.

The site is used by businesses and individuals in order to provide information and content to interact with users, for example it may be used to introduce a brand – such as the one you are in now – or be a personal blog to provide content or even an online store to sell products and services or news sites and social networking sites .

For example on websites we find the following options:

Why is it important to create a website?

Undoubtedly, the website offers great additional value, whatever the commercial activity or your goals behind your desire to create the website, as we indicated at the beginning of the article that digital presence today has become one of the necessities that generate more opportunities for growth, and between this and that you have a set of benefits to know how to create a website :

  • Credibility: If you have a business, creating a website is certainly one of the good decisions that affects the reliability of your brand, especially the behavior of users. They tend to search the Internet for any product, service or brand they recognize, and your presence on the Internet will mean more trust.
  • Building your brand: The website means that your brand will always be present in front of your current and potential customers, which contributes to communicating and consolidating your values ​​and commercial identity in their minds, and thus obtaining a strong brand.
  • Overcome competitors: Without a website, finding your business may be very complicated, and therefore your customers will turn to competitors who have an online presence through their website, which provides all the information that the public is looking for.
  • More sales and profits: Because creating a website increases the exposure of potential customers to your business and increases its reliability in general, this will undoubtedly be reflected in increased sales. Especially consumer behavior today has become more directed to buying or shopping via the Internet.
  • Benefit from search engines: When you create a website, you have a great opportunity to take advantage of search engines to generate more sales and visits to your website and form a large customer base, by relying on what is called search engine marketing.
  • Opportunity to make profits: If you are an individual or even a company, then the website can be a business on its own, for example, you will have the ability to sell physical and digital products and even services. With great opportunities to profit from advertising systems such as Google AdSense.

How to create a successful website?

After getting to know the benefits that can be gained from programming a website for your business or for you as an individual, in this part of the article we will go a little deeper and guarantee you the steps that must be taken to create a successful website that achieves all your previously set goals, namely:

Determine your goals for creating the site

Why do you want to create a website? When launching any project, whether on the Internet or on the ground, it is necessary to have clear goals for that. It is unreasonable to start creating a website without specifying the goal to be achieved or the way it will appear to users. Here you can ask a set of questions, as follows:

  • Do you want to promote a product or service?
  • Do you want to create an online store?
  • Do you want to make profit from Adsense ads?
  • Will the website be dedicated to commission marketing?
  • Do you want to create a website that introduces you or your brand?

Choose the name and domain of the websiteاختر اسم ودومين الموقع الإلكتروني 

The next step to learn how to create a website will be to choose the name of the site, as we know that all websites have names that indicate and identify them, for example Amazon, Noon Store, Facebook platform, and others. Here, it is necessary to choose the name of a professional site that has a relationship with the field, services, products, or content provided by the site.

You also have to choose the domain name or domain, which represents the address of the site on the World Wide Web to be accessed by users. For example, we find that the domain of the Novel SEO company is

كيفية إنشاء موقع الكتروني واسم الدومين

When choosing the appropriate domain, there are a number of points that must be taken into account in order to choose the appropriate domain name, as follows:

  • Plain and simple: Try as much as possible to keep the domain simple and easy without using slang or strange words, while making it short to be easy for users to remember.
  • Choose the appropriate domain extension: Domain names come with many extensions, for example we find .net, .co, .gov, .edu or .org. And others, but the common one is .com, so you should use it when choosing the domain.
  • Avoid numbers and symbols: One of the not-so-good practices when choosing a site’s domain name is to use numbers and symbols such as (-, $, !, %, etc.). In this way, it will be difficult for the user to remember the domain name, and at the same time, search engines do not prefer it.
  • Make the domain name public: By managing the business or the website in the best way, it will certainly grow and there may be expansion in the products, services and content provided, in which case it would be good if the domain name was expandable in the future.

Buy website hosting

استضافة الموقع الإلكتروني وتعلم كيفية إنشاء موقع الكتروني

Hosting is the storage space that contains all the components of a website, including content, design, template, images, videos, user data, and other aspects. Thus, it is one of the main components of any website and a necessary step when creating a website. When choosing to host your site, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Buying hosting from a reliable company: When you buy hosting, you will find that there are many companies in the arena, but not all of them are reliable or provide you with the service you expect. In this case, it is necessary to search and investigate the best available options, including:
    • DreamHost
    • Bluehost
    • InMotion
    • SiteGround
  • Hosting security: If the hosting is not secured in the best way, then in this case there is a high probability that you will lose your entire website or expose it to electronic attacks targeting the servers or the hosting itself. This is definitely not a good thing for someone who is looking to create a professional website.
  • Technical support: In many cases, some hosting problems occur and the site stops working, or even if you want answers to specific inquiries, in this case it is necessary to have professional technical support available around the clock and able to solve the problem as quickly as possible.
  • Uptime Rate: The important factor that makes you choose one hosting company over another is the uptime rate. When hosting offers a good uptime rate, in this case it means that the service will not stop working, for example Bluehost offers an uptime rate of 99.98%.
  • Hosting speed: Today’s fast sites get more users because they provide a good user experience, and at the same time they will have priority to rank in the first results of search engines. And hosting has a great influence on this aspect.

Website creation

In this step, you will need to learn how to create a website in a more in-depth manner, and it is worth noting that there are many methodologies and methods that allow you to create a website – we mean the technical aspects – and they vary according to the degree of complexity and difficulty and the customization options that it provides you, and in fact the need for it differs According to the website, which are:

Website programming from scratch

كيفية إنشاء موقع الكتروني

This is the basic way to create websites via coding or as it is called in programming languages ​​such as HTML to structure pages and CSS to coordinate from the components of the website such as colors, fonts, buttons, menus, etc. And also the JavaScript language to add more flexibility and dynamism to the site or advanced functionality. In the same context, back-end languages ​​such as PHP, Java, C# or others must be used.

This means that this method will require you a long time, experience, and great effort in order to create a successful website, but at the same time it provides you with the opportunity to create a fully customizable website that suits your goals, requirements, and desires.

Use of content management systems

If you do not have enough experience to program a website from scratch, you have another option that allows you to create a website without the need for programming languages ​​or writing codes. This is through what is called Content Management Systems (CMS). It provides the opportunity for you to create a website easily and at high speed, with full content addition and management.

Also, creating various types of websites such as online stores, educational platforms, blogs, magazines, news sites, and others. With the possibilities of expansion in the future and modification of the site’s appearance through the so-called templates that can be customized and modified by dragging and dropping only. Among the content management systems that you can use, we find:


It is one of the most popular content management systems available today, as it manages more than a third of the websites on the Internet today, and certainly this did not come out of nowhere, but rather for the features and functions it offers you as a website owner. And after all, it offers you the opportunity to create a completely free website.


The second option after WordPress, it provides a professional website building tool via drag and drop, as it provides website creation, adding content, modifying it, and marketing it later. But the downside is that it comes with a paid system.


The most suitable option if you are thinking of creating an online store to sell products and services, offering a set of important online store management tools from supporting an endless number of products and the availability of payment options and shipping solutions. In addition to high security.

Are you looking for the best successful website creation company?

كيفية إنشاء موقع الكتروني متوافق مع مختلف الشاشات.

While learning how to create a website requires a lot of experience, time and effort, we at Novel SEO help you create your website in a professional way. We start by identifying your goals and desires and turn them into a website. Through a professional website development and design team. In total, you will get:

  • Error free professional website.
  • Create different types of websites.
  • Choose a private and high-speed web hosting.
  • Attractive concise design that matches your business.
    Website compatible with different screens.


This was a set of steps that allow you to learn how to create a successful website, but they are only general points, as there are many subtleties behind them that require you to have experience in programming and coding, and a lot of time and effort. In this case, it is better to hire a programming company that specializes in creating websites.

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