How to create store addresses on Facebook

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How to create store addresses on Facebook

Create store addresses on Facebook, you may be wondering what is the benefit of this procedure. It is useful to direct those who have seen the advertisement to a real place that sells the advertised products. Suppose we have a chain of cartoon shops and we have made an advertisement. The function of this advertisement is supposed to make the viewers go to their nearest cartoon shop. All of this creating store addresses makes a purchase that goes as we want it to. Now we will learn how to create store addresses on Facebook.

Create store addresses on Facebook

In order to do this kind of ads that direct viewers to real places of sale. We must first define our “Stores” and specify the address of each of our branches. To create store addresses on Facebook, we follow the following steps:

  • First, from the Campaigns page, we click on the “All Tools” button. We choose the so-called “Store Location” as we see:

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To start creating store addresses on Facebook for our branches, the following page appears with the title “Store Locations” for locating the different branches. The point here is that it is assumed that this page is the home page of the brand or chain of cardboard stores, as in our example, and from this home page we create sub-pages. Each of those sub-pages has the title of a specific branch, for example, writes the name of the library furniture exhibition and next to it (Cairo branch )And so on.

  • From the top right of the page called “Store Locations” we choose the name of the page we are working on as we see:

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  • From the same page, we click on “get started” and choose our page
    Then another screen appears, from which we click on “go to stores” as we see:

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“Stores” page

  • We create store addresses on Facebook for our branches, from which we click on “Add store” and then click on “next”.
  • Then a screen appears with more than one way to create “Stores”, as we see:


  • These options are the first option, which means manual creation of “Stores” addresses.
  • The second means that there is an Excel sheet with addresses and data for the “Stores” that you download once.
  • The third option is a programming option.
  • The fourth is a page containing the titles of “Stores”.
  • We will choose the first option, which is “Add Manually” and then click on “Next”.
  • Another page appears titled “Add a Store” that writes the data of the branch you select, as we can see in the picture:

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Then we complete the rest of the “Page Information”, in which you specify the “User name”, the type of branch activity, and the number of hours during which the branch is open. The method of delivery of products, is it inside or outside the branch, is the price of your products specified or not, as we can see in the picture:

Page Information

  • Determine everything. When creating store addresses on Facebook, we click on “Save” and so the first branch is selected, as we can see:

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  • We can create more than one branch in the same way as before, as we can see:

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  • We can also create groups or “sets” for these branches, so that I can make an advertisement for Cairo branches, for example, once. To do this, click on the “store sets” button.
  • Another page appears, we click on the “Create store sets” button, but note that these groups will be linked to the “Ad Account”, so you must choose the account you want to work on from the top left of the page as we see:

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  • By pressing the “Create store sets” button, a screen appears as we see:

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  • First, we choose the “store” as described above, after pressing “Continue”.
  • A screen appears that prompts us to specify the area or perimeter of the branch we are working on. There is a choice called “Automatic Radius” by clicking on it. It determines the perimeter of the branch as we see:


  • Then a screen appears asking you to specify the name of the “Set” and then press “Create” as we see:


  • Now we have a group called Cairo Branches, as we can see:
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So we are done and we have created a home page and other sub-pages, and we have created the Facebook store addresses inside them. In the following, we will learn about creating ads for store visits on Facebook.

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