How to do SEO for the Facebook page and get thousands of followers for free without paying money

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How to do SEO for the Facebook page and get thousands of followers for free without paying money

SEO on Facebook is that your profile is in the first results in Google as well as improving your brand image. The goal is not to get a large number of followers, but to maintain the rich content that they are always proud of. We will learn how to make SEO for the Facebook page.

Simple SEO tips for your Facebook page’s search engine optimization

We will give you tips to improve your Facebook page and find it on Google.

1. Choose a Facebook page name.

2. Create a custom SEO URL (Custom URL).

3. Use strategic words in your page description.

4. Include your contacts.

5. Create a network of backlinks to various websites and company social profiles.

6. Improve SEO when posting a status on Facebook.

7. Make use of Facebook Notes for SEO.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- How to do SEO for a Facebook page?

2- How to archive a Facebook page?

How to do SEO for the Facebook page

We present to you the SEO method for the Facebook page in a professional way. Of course, we all have Facebook pages for our business, whether we sell products or services, and we know that the only source because the page grows and gets followers continuously is through advertisements and advertisements that mean money and expenses, and they do not receive it. Well, I thought that you use a page Facebook as a forum for people looking for products to offer or services to sell?

In short, the idea is that you do SEO for a page, which is to configure your Facebook page to improve the search engine and target search words with search.

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For example, you are a programming company and you provide a web design service. Of course, people who own programming companies know that this word is very difficult to get a first result in Google because it has very high competition and a terrible amount of ads, and as shown in Figure 1, this word and its derivatives have about 10,000 searches. Monthly, and if we search for the word in Google, we will find a lot of sites competing for it, whether ads, organic searches, or even maps, and you will see this in Picture No. 2.

Ok, let’s search for this word on Facebook, we will find the world very easy

Ok, why do I compete in the red ocean here? And in front of me is the opportunity to compete in the blue ocean (social media sites or any other platform that has research). Surely you are asking yourself now, is SEO not for sites! What to enter for Facebook?

The idea, in short, is that SEO is a marketing method, which is that you prepare anything for the search engine, and it is not a condition of the Google search engine, but rather any platform that has a search bar and the user searches in it.

Ok why am I talking about Facebook today? Because I recently tried this topic, and I came up with a page for a client that provides services, and the results were excellent, and it was really a strange idea, especially because the field was very difficult for Google to compete with sites, so I decided that we work in more than one place. We use the search for them, including Facebook, and the results were very good.

And we must agree on one thing, which is the behavior of the user who is searching. It is the same behavior, whether he is searching for what he needs in Google, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere, as long as the person is in front of the Search Bar, he will search. And surely we all did it a lot before. We search for many things on websites Social media, and as a proof, we all saw the period when social media sites, especially Facebook, began to care about the subject of searches and gave us a lot of offers. We prepare our content for searches, so that anyone looking for the product or service that we offer can find us.

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In this article, I tried to explain the idea and convince you of it, and in the next post, God willing, I will talk about the technical issue. We will walk practical steps in preparing the Facebook page for the search engine, and it will appear on your page with the words you want.

How to archive a Facebook page?

To archive a group or page on Facebook, do the following:

Go to the Facebook website through any browser you have, then to the group you want to archive, then press the (- – -) button. And choose the Archive group option, then press the Confirm button, and this way your group has been archived.

Also, it is possible to return the group or page and cancel the archive by opening the group page again and clicking on Cancel Archive the group.

We have finished knowing how to do SEO for the Facebook page and get thousands of followers for free without paying money.


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