How to write an SEO friendly article

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How to write an SEO friendly article

If you want to develop your site and create high-quality articles, you definitely need to learn how to write an article that is compatible with SEO, and this is a collective demand, as everyone wants content that tops the search engines, because with all this great progress, the written word still has its value and its ability to influence site visitors ,

And publishing good articles regularly is beneficial in two ways: First, it boosts your company’s brand awareness. And secondly, it will make you a reliable resource in the eyes of the search engines, which will reward you by placing you higher in the results shown to those who search.

This takes us to know what SEO is and how it works.

What is seo?

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SEO or search engine optimization is a set of techniques aimed at improving the visibility of a website in search engines, with Google being the most relevant in the world. These actions can be performed within the website itself by optimizing internal code or content, or outside the website by creating inbound links.

Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies aim to improve a website’s position in the ranking of results pages. They are called SERPs, for relevant keywords that attract potential customers’ attention and thus reach the conversion or sales funnel.

Without a doubt, SEO positioning is one of the most important digital marketing strategies because it allows for increased visibility and more traffic that comes from search engines (organic traffic). Ultimately, SEO means more opportunities to convert leads into customers.

But what signals does Google take into account to index and rank a website in the SERPs? The answer might surprise you: more than 200. The “funny” thing is that these ranking factors are constantly evolving.

Google’s goal is to provide the most useful response to user searches and to achieve this, its algorithm is constantly learning. For this reason, SEO experts must be aware of the latest algorithm updates to continue competing for the top positions in the search engine.

What are the critical factors for search engine optimization?

Google evaluates more than 200 signals to rank a website in its results ranking. However, we can identify the three most relevant positioning factors in 2021.


Content is the cornerstone of search engine optimization. Without content, it is virtually impossible for a website to rank in search engines. For content to be effective, it must be relevant, useful, and interesting to the user, and respond to their search intent. In addition, high-quality content naturally generates links and encourages the user to share them by increasing social signals.

When creating content, it is essential to consider keywords i.e. terms that a user types or pronounces into a search engine to get their answers. An example keyword would be “Italian restaurant in Madrid”.

And word study is the basis of content creation because without it we would be blind. Once you have identified the keywords, it is essential to place them in strategic places on the web such as H1 and H2 headings, URL or title meta tag. Below we will explain in detail how to write an SEO friendly article.

user experience

User experience is tied to Rankbrain, the AI-based machine learning algorithm that Google uses to help sort and improve search results.

Google is getting better every day to better understand search intentions and customize results accordingly. The website that provides the most useful answer and is easy to navigate is the one that will win the favor of the user, and thus the favor of Google, making them in a better position.

Statistics such as click-through rate, bounce rate, or time spent on a page can help us know how satisfied a user is with a website. Likewise, if the user experience is good. It is more likely that the visitor will be encouraged to leave a comment that evaluates the content positively or share it on their social networks, thus boosting the web’s relevance before Google.

the performance

Website performance is key to determining SEO sites because if it is optimized, the user experience increases. In this sense, download speed becomes important. Users wait an average of 5 seconds for a website to load. If you don’t in that time, they leave the page looking for another result.

And mobile usability is also of paramount importance. In the middle of 2021, when about 60% of searches will be made from mobile devices. It is essential that a website has a responsive design, that is, it displays correctly from any device, be it a computer, smartphone or tablet.

Why is search engine optimization important?

in search engines. Everyone wants to appear on the first page of Google because with it, the chances of a user reaching the website increase. On the other hand, appearing on the second, third or fourth page significantly reduces the reach of organic traffic, that is, visitors who arrive from a search engine.

Two really strong numbers in this regard: over 30% of clicks go to the first organic result of Google , while 95% of users never make it past the first page of results.

If a company wants to be visible to its customers in the online environment, it must appear at the highest positions in search engine rankings. This is the main reason why search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component to the success of any company on the Internet.

and visionary pursuits of companies that invest in SEO. However, this is not the only advantage of organic positioning, but it carries other benefits such as credibility.

When Google estimates that a business’s website is relevant and deserves to be among the first results, the consumer’s mind reflects on the idea that the business is legitimate. In this way, users are more likely to place their trust, and with it their money, in a company that is in Google.

On the other hand, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the inbound marketing tools that has the best return on investment. SEO attracts traffic and does not break into the life of the consumer with an advertisement, for example. This way, when a user has a problem, they go to Google to solve it, and if the company has done a good job of SEO, it will appear in the top positions as a potential solution for the customer. The big difference compared to other technologies is that SEO generates visitors organically without having to invest in advertising.

Keep in mind that search engine optimization is a profitable investment in the medium and long term. Although it is possible to see results quickly depending on the industry, the average time it takes for a website to develop is about 6 months.

Now, SEO is not a panacea for companies that are fighting in the digital environment. It is another mechanism to make yourself visible, but it is useless to attract visitors if the website is not able to generate conversions and this is where other strategies such as web design or copywriting come into play.

In the end, companies that understand the importance of search engine optimization and bet on it are the ones who will make a difference and stand above their competitors. This is what we explain about the importance of creating SEO-friendly content to improve your site’s ranking. Now we will show you how to write an SEO-friendly article.

Meaning of writing seo compatible articles

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We have talked many times about the importance of content within a website and how useful it is to be able to write an SEO friendly article.

In fact, in all blogs, corporate websites and e-commerce. Writing plays an important role in achieving goals in terms of online traffic and sales.

The content should not only be of high quality. It must also comply with a series of rules to allow the website to reach the top positions in the search engines.

As many of you already know, in fact, when writing an article for the web, the text must be SEO friendly. what does that mean? The term SEO or search engine optimization refers to this system that relies on various strategies and techniques to ensure that a particular website reaches the top results in search engines.

What does it mean to be among the first results of a search engine like Google? This means that we will have a greater opportunity for visitors to enter your site, after conducting an online search, and therefore there are more chances for them to purchase the products and services that you offer.

To achieve this criteria that make your article at the top of the search engines, some elements must be taken into account in writing the article, including:

The most searched keywords

It is essential that we are clear about what we want to talk about. It sounds easy, but if we are not completely sure about the topic of our article, we will not be able to continue searching for keywords. In fact, the so-called “keywords” are the core component of SEO. It allows users to find the content they are looking for through search engines.

To search for keywords that fit your website and that are highly searched for by users. You can use a series of tools like Google Ad or ubersuggest. This step is not considered an achievement and you do not care about it, as it is a major step in writing the article.

Moreover, remember that in addition to keywords, there are so-called long keywords, which are very useful. These are sequences of words that allow you to bring a specific target to the site, that is, all those users who are interested in the type of products and services we offer.

Choosing a URL from an SEO perspective

The url should be chosen from an SEO perspective, preferably short and contain keywords. This is for accessibility and usability needs. A short url is easier to save and can be linked more easily to the site it points to.

Choosing a good SEO article title

Choosing the main title of the article is one of the most important steps in writing SEO-friendly articles to get an SEO-friendly article. Writing a so-called “H1” can be quite complicated as you have to try to be creative and informative, preferably writing a simple title containing the keyword. This helps us have a better chance of appearing in the first results of search engines.

And the matter is not arbitrary or left to your personal discretion. There are rules that must be followed, in order to write an address from the perspective of search engine optimization, which are the following:

  • Title must not exceed 70 characters
  • Using interrogatives like how, what, what do I do, that’s all these are good keywords.
  • It is preferable to enter numbers in the address such as 5 steps to know …..
  • Question and answer can be a good SEO technique.

The importance of using sub-headings in search engine optimization

In addition to the main heading and its importance, there are sub-headings or the so-called H2 and H3. The use of appropriate sub-headings make your article interesting and smoother. It increases your chance of being at the top of the search engine results, and one of the best subtitle writing techniques is to use Google related searches.

Simply put, after choosing the main topic of our article, we can do a Google search, and at the bottom of the results page we will find related searches. In this way, we will be able to know the searches that users make in relation to a particular topic. Through this, we will find other keywords that we can use in subheadings.

Set title tag and meta description

Both search engines and your users will need to immediately understand what they are going to find in your article. To help them, just set the <title> tag and the meta description.

Title tag: This is the title your article will appear in search engine results. In the standard version of WordPress, this is what you type in the box at the top of the post editor. On the other hand, a meta description is nothing more than a brief summary of your article. It is not very important from an SEO point of view, but it will allow you to make your users understand what they are going to read and prompt them to discover more. If you are using the Yoast SEO plugin, simply click on the Edit Snippet button. And fill in the fields provided to set both tags at once.

As you can see, Yoast SEO allows you to “build” an article’s SEO title by adding variables, such as your website’s title. This will allow you to better present yourself to those who find your article through search engines and let you know how to write an SEO-friendly article.

What is the appropriate length for an SEO title and meta description?

Your SEO title should not exceed 56 characters. For a meta description, the rules have changed over the years, but in principle it’s a good idea to keep between 120 and 156 characters long. If it’s too short, it looks like your article isn’t comprehensive enough. If it’s too long, only a portion of it will be shown, and the cuts won’t quite be the best for the user experience. Try to find the right balance.

Include links to external resources and other pages on your site

Prove to both your readers and Google that you know what you’re saying. Including links to trusted sources in your article will help you be credible. If you also put links to other pages on your site where your readers can find interesting insights, it will give your article added value. Google and other search engines reward both of these actions.

There are no real rules for the distribution of external and external links, but you should still consider a few things. For example, avoid using anchor texts such as “click here to learn more” or “visit this link”. Instead, use short sentences containing the focus keyword of the article you want to redirect readers to.

Make your images SEO friendly

Search engines are not yet able to recognize the content of the images you add to your articles. But you can help it with this by setting so-called alt attributes, which are strings of words that are inserted into the HTML code for the graphic. content to give them meaning. This way, the search engines will be able to assess the relevance of the rest of the article and reward you accordingly.

There are two types of alt attributes that you should consider: the title attribute and the alt text. The title attribute is, very intuitively, the title of the image, which will be shown as a hint when readers hover over it. Alternative text, on the other hand, is an explanation of the image that both search engines and screen readers use for users. Setting these two attributes is very simple: just place the image in your article. Hover over them and click the pencil icon to edit them. Next, fill in the fields for the two attributes.

More tips for writing the perfect SEO friendly article

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In addition to the elements we’ve already talked about, you need to pay attention to a whole other set of techniques and strategies as we write our article on search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some other tips that will be very helpful for writing online:

  • Do not use keywords randomly. It is important to use it well and elaborately in the headline and in the first paragraph of the text.
  • Don’t forget to also include keywords in the article URL and in the description of the images
  • Pay attention to readability. A high-quality article remains a mediocre article if it’s not obvious. For this we will have to pay attention to our writing. Some tools like Yoast SEO for WordPress help improve this element.
  • Don’t forget to put links in your text. In addition to improving your website’s ranking, it can be a useful tool for directing readers to articles or other pages of your site.
  • To make the text more readable but also for SEO. Remember to divide the text into subheadings (H1, H2, H3), in order to make reading smoother.
  • Use bulleted or numbered lists to make concepts more readable.
  • Emphasis on keywords using text formatting such as bold,
  • Remember to enter a meta description, that is, the description reported by the search engine, below the title. This way you will have more chances to grab users’ attention.

With these tips and strategies, you will be able to create SEO friendly articles that will help you improve your ranking in search engines. However, you need to choose carefully which topics to post on the site. Do thorough research before choosing your topic and look for reliable sources that teach you how to write an SEO-friendly article and allow you to create excellent quality articles.

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