Improve TrustRank by adding trust pages

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Improve TrustRank by adding trust pages

A good ranking in Google is everyone’s goal, especially website owners. It’s all about confidence, yes my friend confidence. Let’s assume that you have done everything to improve your site, and despite this, you cannot overcome the crisis of bad ranking in Google. Immediately, I turned to the trust factor. Does Google trust your site to give it the ranking it deserves? Everyone talks here and there about trust, but no one gives you the equation to achieve that. This is what I will teach you, is how to improve TrustRank and how to rank your site well in Google.

On-Page and Domain Trust Factors

That your site enjoys trust is easy and not impossible, now I will give you several steps if you do it correctly, I can tell you welcome to the world of trust of Google and you have already improved TrustRank. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, gray or white hat, these strategies will make your life so much easier.

1. About, Contact, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Disclaimer pages for partners

When you are creating a new website, the first thing you should do is create these pages. They are called trust pages: they are as follows: About Us, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. These pages serve as trust signals for Google. That’s because Google knows very well that most spammers don’t bother adding those pages.

2. Correlation

When you link your site to other trusted sites, this is a great sign of trust. When you link your site to other sites, Google sees your site as a trustworthy source, and this is the first step in improving TrustRank. On the other hand, it is known that the spam owner who tries to get a high authority ranking in Google in any way will not link. Link, your site, gain the trust of google and be part of the community. However, here are a few notes that you should keep in mind:

  • Do not be excessive in the link: You must link in moderation and do not exaggerate the linking process so that this does not reduce your chances of clicking.
  • Do not link your site to bad sites: such as sites that contain gambling, pornography or illegal activity. Although we are in the world of the Internet where everything is permitted, but you must have common sense, search engine optimization also requires this, please use it.

3. Get social shares

During our journey in gaining Google’s trust and improving TrustRank, the value of social shares appears to us, as these shares are a signal to Google that the audience finds value in the content you provide. Your content that you provide is of high quality, and is unique, distinguished from what others provide in your field. This is what will raise the social shares that you seek to gain. There are many examples of this. People who produce strong and unique content are always rewarded, such as Brian Dean from Backlinko, Neil Patel from Quick Sprout, and Derek Halpern from Social Triggers. These blogs are your powerful resource for having a successful blog.

4. Blog comments

In continuation of what we seek, which is to gain Google’s trust, you should try hard to raise comments on your blog. Because this shows Google that your site has become a source and a community for everyone, and this in Google accounts equals trust. One of the best ways to get a lot of engagement on a post is simply to ask.

5. You have an active blog

Not only does having an active blog get your site more spider traffic from Google, it also helps make your site a top authority within the industry. Most importantly, a good blog naturally attracts links. You should also know that Google calculates the relevant backlinks as votes for your site, and then you have improved TrustRank. The equation is very simple:

More relevant (quality) votes = more trust, more traffic, and easier ranking in SERPS.

6. Provide unique content

Think of the consequences you could receive when you plagiarize an author’s work. Being expelled is the simplest of all the other penalties you receive. The same with Google, if it is proven that your content is copied from other sites, then your penalty is expulsion from Google, so think carefully about the importance of creating unique and distinctive content and do not copy the work of others.

7. Go with the longer domain registration

This point is optional for you, but with a simple thought, we find that Google can trust websites with the longest registration, so be sure to stay as long as possible. Choose the track you want and link the recording period to that, in order to improve TrustRank. On the other hand, we find undesirable sites, all that you hope to stay for only one year.

8. Use Public Whois software

If you’re in serious business, there’s really no reason to hide your WHOIS information. The funny thing is because most SEOs think having a private WHOIS protects them, but it can actually be a red flag if Google is doing a manual review on your site. If you’re doing more SEO intensive campaigns, just create a mock WHOIS. Private WHOIS is not a good way to send trust to your site.

How does “trust” flow into your website (link building)

A large percentage of Google’s trust in your site depends on the type of backlink you have and the distribution of your link text. Therefore, specialists link their own Blacklink with high-quality links. This is your most important step to improve TrustRank.

Paid Directories

Most directories have high domain authority and the trust flow is great. So by publishing your site in one of these directories, you will get a small part of this power and trust. Some of our paid go-to guides include:

  • Jasmine Directory 
  • Family Friendly Sites
  • Best of the Web
  • Yahoo Directory

Some freebies with good moderation include:

  • DMOZ
  • CrunchBase

Business listings

A question must be asked, is your blog commercial or just for fun? If you are trying to make money then this is a business and you should approach it that way. I highly recommend you to submit your sites to reputable business directories.

Blog Comments

Many people think that nofollow is useless, but a spammer will not waste his time collecting useless links. But it is an integral part of every link building campaign. nofollow blog comments are effective for several reasons:

  • You are getting the relevant NICHE link.
  • Get involved in your industry community, join the discussion and build relationships.
  • You diversify your cookie by using “nofollow” links and different IP addresses.
  • You will get relevant referral traffic.
  • You are positioning yourself as an expert in the industry.

Guess with me, my friend, how effective are those five points mentioned above for your site? Yes, indeed, it builds trust in your site and is a step in order to improve TrustRank. Do not, in any case, neglect the blog comments because you miss a great opportunity for you. Another advice is not to use your keywords in the comment because it is not only spam but also makes you look sloppy in your work and you have no idea how to improve search engines.

Branded Link Building

Google wants brands in its search engine, not shoddy one-page websites. Branded link building is a perfect way to let Google know that you are serious about your site. I highly recommend KnowEm – it shows hundreds of social media and reference sites that you need to register with under your brand name. It will also show whether you have all your domain extensions secured or not. If you are a serious business then secure your brand name as well. Don’t use a fake email address. Use your actual site email to register so that you can improve TrustRank.

Press statements

Creating high quality press releases and distributing them across top news sites. It shows that you are serious about your brand. Just make sure you’re using a generic anchor text and a trademark. Try SBwire or PRweb.

Authority Links

One link from Forbes or CNN sends a huge flow of trust to your site. You need to produce some outstanding work. One of the great tricks to get these kinds of awesome backlinks is to use HARO. Even with HARO, getting links from sites like Forbes may not be possible at the moment, but you can still get some really high quality links from mid-level websites through guest posting which is also very important in your TrustRank journey.

Guest post for traffic visits

Google claims that it stresses the guest post and abuses these posts, but all this emphasis is not in a vacuum because these posts work, but rather it is the best way to meet all the conditions of Google and obtain an algorithm, and perhaps the most important thing in the guest post is to create branded links.

Anchor Text

The ultimate strategy for sending trust flows to your site is to create branded anchor text. Your brand name should be different from your body text profile. For guest posts, focus on common citations (including keywords around anchor text). Although you won’t get the exact same amount of matching in your anchor text, you’ll still get a good flow of relevancy and confidence. When you follow these steps and instructions.

When working on any site, these steps will qualify you to improve TrustRank to get an easy ranking in Google when you believe that you are a brand.

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