Message ads on Facebook

240 مشاهدة

Message ads on Facebook

Facebook message campaigns may be the solution you are looking for to achieve better quality of interaction and conversion with those who are interested in your brand or business. The button for “Call To Action” is to send a message.

How do message ads work?

  • In order to create message ads, first from the campaigns page, click on “Create”.
  • Then choose Message Ads or “Messages” as we can see:

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  • After that we name the campaign, for example (messages).
  • Then go to the “AD Set” page, we will find two types of ads:
  • “Click to message”: These are advertisements in which the “Call To Action” button is a message
  • “Sponsored message”: These are ads that go directly to the customer’s chat, but note that this type of ads is directed to people who have already contacted you before, as we see:

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  • We choose the type of “Click to message”, it will start asking you if the person needs to communicate with you via
  •  Messenger.
  • WhatsApp. 
  • Instagram Direct.
  • We choose the three options, and it is he who determines the best for the communication process on any application, as we can see:

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  • Note that WhatsApp must be WhatsApp Business and be linked to the page on which the advertisement is running.
  • After that we select the page we want to place the advertisement on.
  • Then we connect the WhatsApp and Instagram account to it, in case they are already connected, the account will appear to you. I am in the case that they are not connected, select the account you want on WhatsApp or Instagram, as we see:

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  • Then we set the budget.
  • Then we define the audience whether a new audience will be created or an audience from your saved.
  • Go to the bottom of the page at the “Optimization”, we find that it is locked to “conversation”, because you have chosen the three applications, which are Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram, and this means that it will start improving advertising and directing it to people who communicate through messages as we see:

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But in the event that you have chosen one application, and you want to send messages to it, not the Messenger, you will find that the “Optimization” differs as we see:

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Several choices

  • “Link Clicks”: represents the customer who clicks on the link in the ad text.
    Conversations: Customers who actually communicate and send messages.
    “Leads”: This option represents potential customers who previously communicated with messages on other pages and became potential customers.
  • Each of the three options has an advantage, but it is natural that the optimal choice is “Conversations”, but choosing “Link Clicks” is the best choice because through it you will have an opportunity to reduce the price of the message. Because by choosing the “Link Clicks”, you have selected the customers who press the Send a message button.
  • It is better that the text does not contain any links, it is just a text and you make the link only on the “Call To Action” button. So when you ask Facebook to direct the ad to the people who make “Link Clicks”, it will direct the ad to the people who click on the “Call To Action” button or send a message.
  • The advantage here lies in the accounting method, which in this case is actually “Link Clicks.” Facebook will send messages to people, but you will only be charged when people or customers actually click on the link in the advertisement. Since you will not include any links in the advertisement except the link associated with the “Call To Action” button, which is to send a message. You will only charge those who send a message, and this makes the message price low.
  • Back to the “New Ad” page. We find the page that we have chosen to make the advertisement on.
  • We choose “Ad setup”, let it be “Create Ad”.
  • Then I select the image from “Add Image”, then click on “Next” and then on “Done”.
  • We select the “Primary text”.
  • Then we write the “Headline”.
  • We can also add a description” as we can see:

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  • We notice here in the picture that the “Call To Action” button is specified by sending a message or “Send message”.
    You will also find an option called “Send people to chat with another Page”, meaning that if this option is activated, you can make people view the advertisement on this page. But the communication is on another page.
    At the bottom there is an option called “Message template” in which we find three options, which are first:
    From “Start conversations”, you can write a welcome message by clicking on this option. A screen appears, as we can see:

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  • In it, you specify whether the welcome message you want is text only, text and image, and no text and video.
    From the same screen, we can specify the questions that we want to ask the customer, and you can make a quick response or an automatic response, and you can also write the response manually.
    You can also name this “template” to use it at any time.
    After completing the questions and what you want to appear in the messenger messages, click on “Save and Finish”.
    When we return to the advertisement page, we will find that the “template” that we have set is saved with, as we can see:

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  • We can use the “template” that we have made, create a new one, modify it, or copy it.
    You can also make a preview of this “template”, a message will be sent with the preview on the page you selected before and it will appear to you as we see:
  • إعلانات الرسائل على الفيسبوك
  • After completion, we publish and when the advertisement is approved and run, the audience will start interacting by sending messages and ready responses begin to appear, or you respond manually as we explained before. This way you have message ads on Facebook.

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