Professional article writing by a professional SEO

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Professional article writing by a professional SEO

How to write an excellent article for your blog or website If you have been blogging for your company for a long time or working as a freelance article writer or you want to become an SEO professional for writing articles, then surely you asked yourself a question like How can I write articles that allow me to attract clients? What are the guidelines for better writing?. How can I put writing high quality articles into my website?

Do not worry, these questions are very natural, and an SEO professional from Nofal Seo Company will help you answer these questions, in order to become a professional in article writing. Continue reading the article to know the article writing instructions.

There are certain writing guidelines that you should follow with a SEO professional

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You must have extensive knowledge of what you are going to write about.
You need to know who your target audience or potential customer is and what their needs and interests are.
You will need to know the rules of SEO, and the meaning of search engine optimization
You will need to know digital marketing, because you will have to know how to promote your blog, your content, etc.
I recommend you implement these seven steps to achieve success in your content marketing strategy with an SEO professional:

1- Think of the original titles and make a first draft

We can say that 60% of the success of the content is the title, just like the subject of the email. Creating attractive and original titles is essential when writing articles, consider that when a user finds them on the Internet, the first thing they see is this title.

If it is not attractive to him, he will never go in to read the content and it will not be useful to you for all the time I spent writing this article.

So for this first step, think about things like:

How would you like to find this article for yourself?
What words or expressions will catch the reader’s attention?
Does this title include a keyword?
Do you really like the title of the article to open and read it?
Think of an interesting and catchy title, draft it and write it down. It is the starting point before writing your article.

2- Analyze the keywords that you will use in your content

There is no point in writing articles on your blog if they are not ranked on Google and it helps increase traffic to your website so, even before writing your articles, you should find the best keywords for that specific article. Since there is no assumption in this mode, you will need to know if the words you choose are keywords.

How do I find the best keywords for my articles?

SEO expert Ahmed Nofal is with you to teach you how to get the best keywords. You will have to work with professional SEO tools, to find the best keywords for your content. Make a list of keywords and select a maximum of 2 or 3, it will be impossible for you to try to put more.

Users don’t know about SEO when doing a search, so think about the variables for those keywords where they are more natural

Such as “How to write better articles”, “How to write high quality content”.

Add user searches. In other words, expressions that may not be keywords but that the user can put in “Google”

Such as “how to attract customers with content”, “how to write good articles”.

Add keywords for your brand or company in the natural discourse of your content.

And don’t forget that to find the keywords needed to write successful articles, you will need to work with professional SEO tools as explained by the SEO professional.

There are three tools that enable you to find keywords

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As stated in the “wordstream” website, there are many tools that allow you to know the keywords that are suitable for your site, including:

Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool

It is a free SEO tool from Google that will let you know the best keywords to write articles for SEO.


It is a paid professional SEO tool where you will not only find the best keywords to write the best articles, but you will also be able to analyze the keywords used by your competitors.


This SEO tool is free and will allow you to find user searches (not keywords) that are very useful when creating your content, as it makes them more natural. As you can see, this point is probably one of the main guidelines for writing your articles that you will need. And perhaps the ones that require the most time in the entire content creation process.

3- Search Google for similar articles

We can be the best in our field, but if there is competition at Google, we must know what he writes and how he writes his content. Personally, I can’t think of how to put my website or content on “Google” without having a look at my competitors first. very knowledgeable:

Who is in the first search results and what authority your pages and articles have.
What titles did they put for an article similar to yours? List the ones that you think are best for writing your articles.
What ideas run when you write your articles.
How does its contents work? Check if there are plugins shared on social networks and if the values ​​that appear are high.

If so, they work well for you. As you can see, there is a lot of information that you can get from your competitors to write successful articles.

However, another point I left for the end that will help you a lot in reading your content is how they organize their content.

4- Design a coherent structure before creating articles

A good and proper structure of the article must be designed, as the SEO professional said, in order to be able to attract the reader to help them reach the points they want easily and directly.

It will also help you to easily access the ideas that you want to communicate in the appropriate order. If the design of the article is not good, users will not read it, especially if you create long content on your blog (more than 1500 – 2000 words), it is very likely that users will not read it and so on.

5- Start writing your article

It’s time to start working, writing articles and doing it in a completely professional way. All the stages we have done so far will not only help you prepare your content better, but also allow you to make it more focused. There is nothing worse than starting to write articles of 2,000 words without knowing how you are going to organize the information.

Important points from an SEO specialist to keep in mind when writing your articles

In order to become a professional SEO and professional writing articles should be written for the user and not for Google. Of course, you will have to follow their SEO recommendations.
Locate the keywords you are working on. Repeat keywords in the title, H1 or content title, titles, translations, and across the text.
Don’t repeat the same word endlessly. At most 2% to 3% of the total number of words in the text.
Add internal links to other pages or posts on your website and supplement them with an external link pointing to a site that allows you to expand your information.
Add photos, videos or infographics, multimedia elements help a lot when writing articles that are placed in Google.

6- Don’t forget to promote your content

Coming to the latest guidelines for successfully writing high-quality articles as explained by the SEO professional, promote your article and blog. It will not serve you much work if no one sees it. The reward for all the work when writing your articles is to read them, get more traffic, share them well on social networks and get high on Google in time. You can now say that you have created a successful blog.

Where can you promote your articles?

Well, there are two main sites that you should work on, social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, etc. are excellent places to post. You may be interested in posting it on Pulse (on Linkedin), to the various groups on Facebook or even giving it a paid promotion on Facebook Ads. Email Marketing, If you have a good subscriber database, sending your articles to them every time you publish will give you a constant flow of traffic and at the same time you will generate more interaction with them and give them more value.

The bottom line here is that when you implement the SEO on your site, you can rank first in the search engines. It is not impossible, especially when you follow the advice of a professional SEO.

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