Reasons to update your website from a web design company in Suez

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Reasons to update your website from a web design company in Suez

It is no secret to us now the importance of having a website for your company or trade, because of its strong contribution to increasing sales and because most of the attention today is directed towards e-marketing, so we offer you in Novel SEO a website design company and web projects development with open source programming. We offer you a website with scalable and secure SEO. Invest in the best business tool and in this article we will show you the reasons for updating your website.

What is a web design company?

A web design company is entrusted with doing everything related to the study and development of a website, starting from the visual side consisting of texts, images and electronic contributions, to programming the site itself, through specific languages ​​such as “HTML and CSS” and JavaScript, by applying good design standards.

The web designer takes care of website implementation with special care. With the aim of achieving communication effectiveness both from a graphic point of view and from a user point of view in terms of usability.

Aspects of visual communication, brand promotion and interpretation of its communication symbols, through the digital tool, are delicate tasks that require deep and diverse skills.

You can create a professional website, which reflects your goal expectations and fully interprets the vision and mission of your business, all you need is the best website design company in Egypt.

14 reasons to update your website from a web design company in Egypt

Previously, we got to know what a web design company is, now we will learn about the reasons for updating your site. There is no better or more cost effective way to advertise your business than on the World Wide Web. The trick, however, is not just a website, but the correct website development. There can be many decisions that go into updating your website and we’ve broken down our 14 top reasons into the following categories:

  • the design.
  • E-Marketing.
  • Ease of use.
  • time.

First: the design

  • Visual appeal

When people visit your site, they see it as a reflection of your organization. If your site looks professional and loaded with useful information, readers will see you as an authority and expert. Likewise, if the site looks poorly designed and/or outdated, they will make the same assumptions about your company. The website should highlight your product or service and the layout should look harmonious and consistent.

  • mobile response

The Arab world is now a smartphone community. We spend many hours online on our smartphones every day, twice as long as on laptops and computers. If you take this fact into account with Google’s April 21, 2015 mobile update, ignoring the mobile market is a risky business.

In conclusion, if you haven’t updated your website in a while, chances are you may be driving your mobile users and potential customers away. Find information about responsive mobile website design.

  • Technical and coding

Is your web browser compatible? Is your source code valid (HTML and CSS)? Does your website meet basic web standards? And is the programming technology and/or (version) out of date? An important factor to keep in mind is increasing usability in web design. Web standards change drastically every year and website building techniques become more advanced to comply with the latest standards.

Second: Marketing from a web design company

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  • Effective use of calls to action

Many dating websites lack effective calls to action that convert users into customers. A call-to-action (CTA) is a button or link that you place on your website to attract potential customers to become customers by completing an action on your landing page. Are the USP and call to action clearly marked on each landing page? It also matters, is it interesting enough to convince the visitor to complete the requested action?

  • Content

The first impression of your website will be the overall design, but the reader visits your website because they are looking for useful information. A website redesign can also allow you to rework how you communicate with all your visitors and write copy that is simple, on target and more effective – remember, in the modern world you only have 2-4 seconds to attract new visitors. Website content should be considered the most important thing, as it helps determine the effectiveness of a website. Fresh and unique site content is a very important factor in encouraging people to revisit your site more frequently.

  • SEO and website updating

Just like a website, digital marketing and SEO may need an update. If you do not update your website it is sure to fall in the search engine rankings. Websites with the most recent content are considered by search engines to be the most relevant to web users. Your content may be gold, but if it’s the same content it was 5 years ago, search engines may not think it’s relevant anymore. A redesign also gives you a chance to rethink your keyword targeting and the overall conversion rate of your website. . The way people search and the way they search has changed dramatically over the past few years, even more realistic with the explosion of smartphone devices used now, so you must take an SEO course to apply it to your site scientifically.

Third: ease of use.

  • Provide ease of navigation

When we talk about user experience, we refer to the overall experience of visitors with your site – more than just its looks, user experience includes how easy it is to use your site, how fast it is, how easy it is to find information and how little friction there is when visitors attempt to complete whatever action they are trying to complete. . Your website navigation should focus on nudging the right visitor towards a must-try experience.

  • Is your bounce rate high?

The bounce rate is the percentage of people who land on your site and leave without visiting a second page. A high bounce rate is a clear sign of an outdated or poorly performing site. Website users usually leave the site quickly without visiting other pages simply because they don’t find what they’re looking for right away or don’t like the look of it! Do your visitors leave as soon as they land on your site? How does your website compare to estimated industry standards?

Location – If your company is a local company serving customers in Egypt, you should expect a high bounce rate from outside Egypt. If you’re a local business, definitely segment your traffic to understand how traffic is performing within your area and avoid being distracted by irrelevant traffic.

Medium – People who come to your site through different mediums like website and email referral, social, direct, organic, paid, casual, offline, press releases etc. will often have different expectations and may have different bounce rates Significantly.

  • Site speed

Your website’s load time is a major factor in whether people stay or leave the site and never come back.

Fourth: time

Easier to update the site You should be able to update your website yourself. A modern CMS based website like WordPress makes it easy to manage, avoids any messy code, and you simply write what you want in an organized way. This way, you can personally add or alter your content based on your specific goals, while constantly improving your website. The web design industry is constantly improving itself. This includes keeping layout designs up to date, blogs updated, photos updated, and timely posting of promotions and announcements.

You will reduce the risk of being hacked Stories of websites and social media feeds being hacked are becoming more frequent. Flaws can affect any website, new or old, but the potential for vulnerabilities affecting an older website is much greater because it relies on older technology and coding that is less secure.

Website Integration For the vast majority of companies, integrated websites are necessary to provide the required levels of service. We’ve explained our benefits of website integration here. Your customers expect access to a blog, contact form, support form and, if applicable, shopping functionality, all in one easy-to-use location. You will require a single login and quick access to timely and accurate information at all times. Integrating your site with fulfillment, tracking, billing, and CRM systems reduces the potential for errors and confusion.

Many small businesses start out with a range of open source tools for different activities. only to force it to use a complex, error-prone, and time-consuming strategy that involves manually copying information from one system to another. Updating a website is a perfect time to find ways to save admin time and improve customer service.

In short, the above information from a web design company highlights the most important and common tags to look for. When you want to know if your site has become “outdated” or not. While there may be other signs that you need to update your website, there should be enough here to get you on the right path and you can hire a web design company.

What are the web design languages?

Web design languages HTML. CSS. Java. JavaScript. Python. SQL. PHP.

How to design websites?

Registering a business name is the first step, then finding a reliable company to host the site, preparing the content that will be covered by the site, and finally building the site.

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