Your step-by-step guide to the search results

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Your step-by-step guide to the search results

The main goal of topping the search results (Google) is to get the highest ranking in the search engines, so when writing your article that you want it to be topping the search

To be familiar with everything related to “on page” in order to outperform your competitors in search engines. To do this, you have to master search engine optimization or what is known as “SEO” to get high content and also increase your targeted visitors, and this is what we will talk about in topping the search, how to top the search results, the best way to top the search results in Google, and what are the most important search strategies in Google .

Google search strategies

How search engines arrange search results In order to know the answer to this question, it is necessary to know the search strategies in Google according to the difference in the purpose behind the search and its quality, and what suits the content of your site, and among these important strategies:

1- Optimize your website.

2- Giving all sufficient information for easy communication.

3- Enhancing presence through internal and external backlinks.

4- Enable Google My Business on your website.

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How do you top the search results in Google?

Search engines use their own algorithms to index information and make it available to users. The more we understand how SEO works and apply what we’ve learned to our sites, the more likely we are to improve our rankings on Google. The matter has evolved in the application of SEO strategies in the implementation of search engine optimization projects for the sites available on the Internet with a methodology consisting of 6 steps to learn how to top the search results in Google.

Search on keywords

Searching for keywords is the first way to issue Google search results, and it is not good for the keyword to appear first that no one is searching for, or that it does not reach your target audience. When optimizing your website, dig deep for keywords that your potential customers might already be typing in to hire your services or buy your products.

Research what your competitors are doing, use SEO keyword research tools, and check server logs for words that are actually bringing people to your site. These are the words you should work on in your website for a good SEO project. Based on the keywords, you define the structure of the site.

Select the message you want to display in Google results.

An important step for how to top Google search results is the text when the site appears in Google search results. It mainly consists of a title, description and URL as shown in the following figure:

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Each of these three elements can generally be controlled, learn how to change them:

  • Title: Normally displayed based on the title selected from the start.
  • URL: The path and name given to the file. Google may also display a shortened URL or breadcrumb. (Try to put intuitive and understandable names for the keyword you want to work with in SEO).
  • Description: Google typically displays the meta description content.

Attention to every page – programming and content

When programming each page of your website, take some precautions, and focus on:

  • Reduce page load time as much as possible. Try, for example, compressing images.
  • Repeat a few times the keyword that worked in SEO to build the content of the page.
  • Create unique content, and avoid duplicate content.
  • Develop relevant content that will grab the attention of your target audience.
  • Create a backlink to the site.
  • Make sure your robots.txt file isn’t blocking important pages on your site.
  • Submit a sitemap.xml file to Google that contains your website URLs, images, and videos.

Backlink between pages

  • Try to create a backlink between the pages of your site.
  • Search your website’s content for texts that can serve as a link to related content, as we did in this article.

Link building

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One of the main factors is the quantity and quality of backlinks from external sites that point to your site, as well as the relevance of the source page of the link to the topic of the page on your site that receives the link. The position of the link on the page, the text around it, and the amount of links exiting the page are important factors that Google considers. This is “Link Building”.

Posts and site experience

Google strives to provide a positive experience for its users with every search performed. Likes, shares and references on sites or social mechanisms such as “Facebook” are powerful ways of interpreting user experience, and Google is increasingly looking to read these signals to determine the relevance of your page to top the results. In addition, it is also important to adapt your pages so that they are easily accessible to users browsing on mobile devices.

Although it was not made clear whether this was a ranking factor, Google stated in 2017 through one of its communication channels, the Google Webmasters Blog, that pages that are not accessible through mobile devices may not get on such high positions.

Thus, we have provided you with a somewhat detailed guide on how to top the search results in Google, search strategies in Google, and how SEO works. You can learn more about the steps and secrets of search strategies in Google by visiting the blog on our site from here.

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