Facebook ads plans of all kinds

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Facebook ads plans of all kinds

As we learned in the previous part about a group of advertising campaigns on Facebook, now we will complete the rest of the explanation of the ads on Facebook and the different advertising plans, so that you can choose the appropriate type, which serves the goal that you want to achieve through your advertising. Below we will talk about that.

Reach campaign and create posts, photos and videos from within the ad

Creating posts from within ads through the “Reach” campaign in ads on Facebook is done by:

  • Click on the Create button from the Campaigns page.
  • A page titled “Create New Campaign” appears, from which we select the “Reach” campaign.
  • Then we click on the “Continue” button, as we knew before.
  • A page appears with a “Campaign Name” field, for example, we write the name of the campaign (Campaign 1).
  • It is not necessary to activate the “Campaign Budget Optimization” option because we have one “Ad Set”.
  • We go to “New Ad Set” and from the “Name Ad Set” box we write the name of the “Ad Set” that we choose, for example (My Freedom Access Campaign)
  • The option called “Facebook Page” We choose the page we want as shown in the picture:

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  • From the “Audience” field, we choose an audience of the creators previously, let it be the audience (Nofal Seo Course) and start making ads on Facebook.
  • For “Placements” we choose “Manual Placements”.
  • We remove the check mark in front of the “Audience Network” option and leave the rest of the options ticked.
  • Then from “Show more options” we click on the arrow next to it and choose from among the options that show us the “Frequency Cap” option. When we click on the
  • “Edit” button, it appears to us that everyone sees the ad within the allowed limits, which is once every seven days, you can Change this, so that everyone sees the ad twice a week, as we see:

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  • We go to “Ad New” and start making the advertisement from the “Ad Setup”, we choose “Create Ad” from the options that appear, we choose “Single image or video” as we see:

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  • In the “Ad creative” field, we begin by specifying all the details of the advertisement.
  • In the “Media” part, the existing images appear as the cover of the page. We can delete all of them and add the images we want through the “change media” button, as we see:

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  • A list appears with all the existing images, we choose “Add Image” as we can see:

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  • You will find the images that were previously used in the previous ads by clicking on “Account Images”. Several options appear for you as we see:

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  • You can choose a picture from any of these places referred to, such as:
  • Account image.
  • Recommended images.
  • Instagram photos.
  • Page image.
  • You can modify the image the way you want, whether to make it horizontal, vertical, or square, or choose all these shapes and let Facebook choose the appropriate in every place where the image is spread.
  • “Primary text” is the text that appears at the top of the image in which anything can be written.
  • You can add more than one text in the “Primary text”, up to 5 texts, by clicking on the “Add options” (+) button. By clicking on it, a new space will appear for us to write “Primary text” and Facebook will compare which of them is better to display it as shown:

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  • We add the “URL” by selecting “Add Website URL”, we type the “URL” and let it be “horiaty.com” to make sure that the “URL” is correct.
  • Click on “Preview URL” if the entire site appears, this indicates the correctness of the steps.
  • It shows us what we have written under the image.
  • In the event that you do not want the “URL” to appear at the bottom of the image as shown above in the image in this way, and you want to shorten it or write anything else.
  • You can go to the “Displaylink” box and write in it, for example, “Horiaty.com”.
  • You can also go to the “Call to action” button and add the key we want to appear at the bottom of the image, as we can see:

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  • In the event that we want to change the words written under the picture, we go to the “Heading” box and write anything in it, and let it be (My freedom for addiction treatment), it will appear to us under the picture.
  • Inside the “Description” field, we write any other address we want, for example (with you wherever you are), so this word appears below the address we wrote in “Heading.
  • You can write more than “Heading” up to 5, then Facebook chooses the most “Heading” that has been interacted with and adds it as we see:

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This is how a new “Dark Post” is not already on the page, but it has been done inside the ad.

  • We note that from the beginning, “Single image or video” was selected. We can delete all and choose a video. If the video is selected, it will show us the places in which the video is shown. We change the “Placements” as we did before. Here we have finished the campaign to access and create posts from ads on Facebook. We move to:

Create ads

This type of ads on Facebook depends mainly on the presence of a group of images with up to 10 images, which can be placed next to each other in order to display through them the services that I provide sequentially. Each of these images can have a different title and they can carry a different “Link”. Once the user clicks on the image, he will go to a different URL from the other image. Below will be shown how the rotating ads work in ads on Facebook.

  • On the Campaigns page, click on the Create button.
  • From the following page entitled “Create New Campaign”, we specify the type of campaign, which is “Traffic” and then click on the “Continue” button on this page, as we can see:

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  • We chose the “Traffic” campaign because it contains all kinds of ads. Either the “Carousel” or the circular ads are not found in the “Engagement” and “Video Views” campaigns.
  • By clicking on the “Continue” button, the next page appears, which is the “New Ad Set” of the advertisement.
  • We choose the Facebook page that we are working on, as shown in the image:

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  • Then from the “Ad Setup” menu, we choose “Create Ad”.
  • It shows us another menu called “Add Media” to add photos or videos. There are two ways:
  • Either “Create Video” or “Create Slideshow”.
  • By going to “Ad Setup” we can choose the “Carousel” easily because it is found in the “Traffic” campaign as we mentioned before and as shown in the picture:

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  • From the “Ad creative” in the ads on Facebook, we choose the images we want, we can add 10 images.
  • We click on “Select Image” and the images on the account will appear.
  • We can also press the “Upload” button to take a picture from the saved on our device, as we see:

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  • From the “Ad creative” in the ads on Facebook, we choose the images we want, we can add 10 images.
  • We click on “Select Image” and the images on the account will appear.
  • We can also press the “Upload” button to take a picture from the saved on our device, as we see:

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  • For each image, you can add a different “head line” and a different “description” and a different link, until you complete the number specified for you, which is a maximum of 10 images.
  • We can also add a video by “Add media” as we can see:

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  • We must take into account that the “Carousel” of ads on Facebook will not be the same everywhere, so if you decide to make a “Carousel” ad on Facebook and Instagram
  • Go back to “Ad Set”.
  • From the “Placements” section, select “Manual placements”, remove all options except for “Facebook” and “Instagram”.
  • From the sub-menu we delete all options except for “Facebook News Feed” and “Instagram feed”, as we can see:

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Returning to “preview” we find the image of Facebook and Instagram, as shown in the image:

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  • Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, we find the section called “Select cards from previous ads” and it contains the choices as we can see:

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  • Here we find the first option called “Automatically show the best performing cards first.” This means that Facebook asks you to arrange the photos from best to least according to the audience’s interaction with them, in the end showing the best photo first.
  • As for the second option, “Add a card at the end with your page profile picture”, it adds an additional card with the profile and logo of the page you chose and the link to the site.
  • This card is additional to the 10 specified images. If the option is deleted, an “Error” will appear.
  • We write the website link to delete this “error” as we can see:

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  • The “See More display link” box can also make the “URL” short, or we can write anything to appear below the image as shown and as we explained before:

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  • We go to the “Primary text” field and write what we want to appear at the top of the ad or the image, you can also add any of the emojis.
  • We can also add more than “Primary text” as we explained before. It can be written 5 times and Facebook chooses the address that has the most interaction from the audience and displays it.
  • You can also change the “Call to action” to anything you want.

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  • The “Call to action” button will be changed in all images and the phrase “Contact Us” will appear.
  • Finally, at the end of the rotating ads section in the ads on Facebook, we click on the Publish button or on Close, and a message will appear to save this advertisement as Draft, as we can see:

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Here we move to a new part of advertising on Facebook, which is the instant experience.

Instant Experience

It is a second page of the advertisement that can be added in the sense that the advertisement appears as if it is on two pages. The first page is the normal advertisement. It can be an image, video or “Carousel”. In the case of adding an “Instant Experience” page to the advertisement, this means that the user, if he clicks anywhere in the advertisement, begins to see another page of the advertisement, which is “Instant Experience”, and it is possible on this page to add anything with pictures, keys, images, any The data of this page is considered a site within Facebook in the event that you do not have a site. In the following, we will explain how the “Instant Experience” page works in ads on Facebook.

How does the “Instant Experience” page work?

First, let’s start working on the “Instant Experience” page in Facebook ads.

  • Click on the Create button on the Campaigns page.
  • A “Create New Campaign” page appears, from which we choose the campaign type. You can do “Instant Experience” with all types of ads except for some types such as “Lead generation” and “Messages”
  • We will choose the “Engagement” ad to work with “Instant Experience”.
  • We choose it from the “Create New Campaign” page. It shows us data on the same page entitled “Post Engagement” as we see:

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  • The function of the Engagement advertisement is the interaction, meaning the user’s interaction with the post, such as making a like, share or comment. It is possible to have the post on the page or make a Dark Post from within the ad.
  • The Engagement campaign has three types, as shown in the picture.

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  • These types are similar to each other, only differing in the purpose of the advertisement.
  • Suppose we have chosen the first option “Post Engagement”.
  • The next page appears in the “Campaign name” field, and we name the campaign, for example (experimental campaign).
  • We leave the rest of the options as they are and then go to the “New Ad Set” option, and the next page will appear.
  • We set the start and end date of the campaign, and set the budget as we know it.
  • From the “Audience” box, we choose the previously saved audience from the “Used Save Audience” option that appears in the sub-menu as we can see:

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  • After that we go to “Optimization and delivery”, showing us some options as we can see:

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  • We choose “Post Engagement” and go to the advertisement from the top left of the page by clicking on “New Ad”.
  • We choose the page on which the advertisement is executed, for example, the (My Freedom) page.
  • From the “Ad setup” box, we choose “Create Ad” as we can see:

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  • We are supposed to design the ad as very normal as we know, but in the case of the “Instant Experience” ad, we design two pages, the regular ad page and the second page for “Instant Experience”.
  • In this case, we will make the second page first for the “Instant Experience” in order to avoid canceling the first page in case it was designed first before the second, so we start with the second page and then the first.
  • From the option called “Add a destination”, we put a mark next to it, so we have a second page for the advertisement, which is the “Instant Experience” as we see:

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  • From the “Choose template” box, a group of ready-made “template” appears, as we can see:

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  • You can choose any “template” and modify it, but here we will choose “Custom Instant Experience” and put in it everything we want from the beginning by clicking on this option. This page appears as we see:

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  • The first step we do is to name the “Instant Experience”, for example (Nofal).
  • After that, we click on “Settings” and adjust some simple settings such as the “Theme” choose the color of the ad background, light or dark, or any other color of your choice.
  • Then it asks you to “Swipe To open link” and this is an Instagram option related to pressing the finger and raising the screen to the top. You will be transferred to the link in the advertisement. We put it on the “on” position.

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  • We go to the “Add Component” button, which means adding images, logos and any data we want to add on the “Instant Experience” page by pressing the “Add” button, a page appears as we see:

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  • Looking at the components of the page above, there are several things that need to be determined. The first thing we select in the “Instant Experience” in the ads on Facebook is the “Header” we click on it and then we click on “OK”.
  • It will appear on the page: Do you want to put a “logo” or “text”? For example, we choose “text”.
  • Then we write what we want to appear at the top of the ad.
  • We can also change the text and background color in the color we want, as we can see:

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  • You can add what you want, for example, an image. We click on “Add Component” and then choose “photo” that appears on the page. Here, you can choose to put an image or video as we see:

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  • From this option, the link that you want to put with the image appears. If you click on the image, the user can go to the “website”.
  • Or the “App store” to download an application, for example.
  • Or the third option, “Instant Experience”, which is if you click on the image, you go to another page of the “Instant Experience”, as we see:

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  • You can also choose the image without putting the “URL”, you can leave it empty without putting any link.
  • In the “layout” field, we find several options. We usually choose the first option, as we can see:

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  • Through the “Add Component” button, we can also add a “Text block”.
  • By clicking on it, a page appears with space to write text. You can write anything you want and format it in the way and the way you want, as we see:

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  • We can also add “Carousel” from the “Add Component” button, as we can see:

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  • Any “Component” is added to have the “Advanced Settings” through which anything we want can be modified within the added “Component” as we see:

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  • We can make separations between images or between added images and videos, via “Advanced Settings” in order to avoid images from sticking.
  • We make these separators either by inserting text between them, or if you do not include text, you can through the “Advanced Settings” make space between the images.
  • You can also add another “component”, which is the “Button”, which is a “call to action” button that directs the user to a specific action, for example, going to another site, we can write what we want in the “Button” such as (contact us).
  • You can also add a link to the site if you press the “call to action” button, it will direct you to the site directly.
  • The button appears below, as we can see:

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  • Here we also see the “Fix bottom of the view” option, and this option makes the “call to action” button the last thing in the “Instant Experience”.
  • Through the points marked in red, we can rearrange any “Component” we added, except for the “Header”, of course, because it is logical to be at the top of the page as we see:

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  • Finally, after we have added all the “component” that we want, we click on “Save” and then “Finish” as we see:

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  • Once you click on “Finish”, it is not possible to modify again in the “Instant Experience”.
  • Now we have created the “Instant Experience” with the name “nofal”.
  • On the New Ad page, we do the advertisement in a normal way as we know it.
  • We go to “Ad creative”.
  • Then from “Media” we choose the image of the advertisement from “Add Image”.
  • Then we start adding “Primary text” and write what we want in it. We notice that there is no “call to action” key below the ad image because it was added by the “Instant Experience.” So if you click on any place in the image, you will go to the “Instant Experience” which We did it.
  • We add the “headline” and write whatever we want in it.
  • Note that the preview here is for the ad itself.
  • In the event that we wanted to see the advertisement as a whole from the “preview”.
  • From the “share” option, we click on it and choose “Send Notification to Facebook”, meaning send me a notification on the Facebook application on the mobile so that I can see the advertisement completely, as we can see:

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  • By clicking on this option, this screen appears to us to confirm, we press “Ok” as we see:

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  • Returning to the mobile phone, we will find that it appears in the “Notifications” that says “Your ad is ready to review”.
  • By clicking on this logo, the “Preview” of the advertisement appears on the mobile screen.
  • When the user clicks on any place in the ad, he will be transferred to the “Instant Experience” page directly.
  • When you press the (Contact Now) button that has been added, the user will go to the site that we have added the link to. When entering the site, everything is available to the user.
  • By pressing the “Back” button, you will return to the normal advertisement page. With this procedure, it is as if you made an entire website within the advertisement, not just an image or video, and this is what distinguishes the “Instant Experience”.
  • Finally, after completion, you have one of the two options, either “Publish” or “Close”, if you choose “Close”, a confirmation message will appear to you, press the “Close” button, and it will be saved as “Draft” or as a draft, as we see:

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  • “Traffic” campaigns only You can make an “Instant Experience” advertisement in ads on Facebook alone without the need to make an advertisement.
  • We start by clicking on “Create” and we run the “Traffic” campaign, as we can see:

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  • Go to the “New Ad” page, then in the “Format” field, choose the “Collection” option, as we can see:

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  • This for selecting Collection means we’ve done an “Instant Experience” in the ad itself.
  • After that we go to the “Choose template” box, choose a ready-made template, or we can choose from the previous “Instant Experience” that you made, as we can see:

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  • The “Instant Experience” appears immediately.
  • Then we put the “Primary text”.
  • We write the “Headline”.
  • Thus, we have made an “Instant Experience” advertisement and this direct method is by choosing the “Collection”. This type is only found in “Traffic” campaigns in ads on Facebook.

We have finished this post with different types of Facebook advertising plans so that you can choose the one that is best for you, and in the next article we will discuss creating saved audiences on Facebook.

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