How to create an internal backlink and how to use it correctly – Internal Link

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How to create an internal backlink and how to use it correctly – Internal Link

Internal backlink building is probably one of the most often overlooked link building techniques in SEO. Everyone is racing to get a strong and reliable external backlink, to the point that it is possible to overlook the importance of the strength of the internal backlink. Below, we will learn about the importance of internal backlinks and how to create internal backlinks.

What is an internal backlink?

Internal backlinks are those links that create internal backlinks. that point to another page on your site. Too many times we focus so much on building natural links from external sources that we overlook internal improvements. This is an area in SEO where we often make mistakes, so let’s take a look at how to avoid this to build a solid strategy that works and improves your site’s rankings.

The importance of internal links for search engine optimization

If you are wondering, does internal backlinks help SEO? The short answer is yes.” But if you want to take advantage of internal backlinks to make a real impact on your SEO, you need to dig a little deeper to see why building internal backlinks is so important. We can break down the benefits of internal backlinks into three points. major:

1- Internal backlinks help search engines understand the structure of your site

A strong internal link structure from an SEO perspective can help search engines find and index the pages on your site. Using enhanced internal backlinks is a surefire way for Google to discover relevant content on your site regularly. In this regard, an additional benefit of internal linking is that internal linking can help clarify the contextual relationship between two pages. When using the internal backlink correctly, send a signal that page “A” is linked to page “B”. This can be a great way to showcase your expertise if you have a large amount of authoritative content to connect with. If you don’t show Google how your content is connected, users won’t understand the connections either.

2. The internal links go through the revolution

A proper internal linking strategy helps transfer the power of authority between your pages and ultimately improve your ranking.

This is determined by an algorithm known as PageRank (PR), which assesses the quality and relevance of individual pages, and assigns a value to them. Of course, correlation between pages is taken into account. Google officially abandoned the PageRank toolbar in 2016 and stopped updating results for the public years ago. However, they are still an integral part of the ranking algorithm, so understanding how it works helps determine an effective backlink strategy If, for example, page A has authoritative external links pointing to it, you will have developed PageRank Score This permission can be passed to Page B via internal backlinks Selecting these types of “strong pages” can help you get the most out of the high authority that enters your site to improve its ranking One of the benefits of creating an internal backlink lies.

3- Internal backlinks help users to navigate related pages

Internal backlinks are also a great way to improve the user experience (UX) on your site by helping your visitors find more interesting content. By using this method, you can take the user to any page you want them to see as a page for a specific product they can purchase or other content to learn more about a particular topic. Taking advantage of internal backlinks to improve the user experience has many advantages, from increasing the average time on the site to driving users along the purchase paths. Thus, these improvements have a positive impact on the site’s overall search performance.

What are the types of internal backlinks?

The creation of internal backlinks is divided into two main types of internal backlinks: contextual and navigational links. Let’s take a look at both.

Inland Navigational Links

Navigation links generally form the main navigation structure of a website. They are often implemented throughout the site and their primary purpose is to help users find what they want. You can find it at:

  • Site main menu

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  • or in the footer of the site

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  • Or in the sidebar like on Amazon their goal is to make the customer journey as simple as possible.

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contextual internal links

Inner contextual backlinks are usually created in the main body content of the page. An e-commerce store might, for example, include links like these:

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Links in the text that point to other related pages are known as contextual internal links. It is very important to pay attention to how clear and clickable contextual links are and how easy navigation links are to provide maximum value to those who visit your site.

A contextual internal link can help you understand the functions of these different types of links and how they appear to users in getting the most out of your internal linking strategy.

How to audit the internal links on your site

There’s a good chance, unless you’re working on a brand new website, that there is already some degree of coherence between your pages, even if strategic vision is missing. You need to know where you are before making major decisions about your new internal association strategy. To do this, go to the SEMrush Site Audit tool and enter your domain:

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  • One of the thematic reports available in the Site Review is the one on the internal links:

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  • This report gives you the information you need to quickly and easily check the status of your site’s internal links before you start planning a comprehensive strategy.

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It is divided into five main sections:

  • Page Crawl Depth: Here you can get information about your site’s crawl depth (note: the most important pages on your site should be three clicks away from the home page).
  • Internal links: Here you will see how many pages are receiving internal links and how many pages are internally linked to others. This will help you identify any pages that do not have a link.
  • Internal Link Distribution: Identify pages with a weak Internal LinkRank (ILR) and find out why.
  • Internal link issues: Here you can see any problems with internal links.
  • Pages are able to pass the highest internal link rate: Here you can quickly see a list of the pages that have the greatest impact on others (ILR). This can help you identify the most authoritative pages on your site.

The report is designed to give you a robust and comprehensive view of your current internal link structure, so you can plan a robust internal backlink strategy.

Common internal linking problems

A vital part of this SEO optimization process is understanding the most common internal backlink management problems and how to fix them. Here are the most common of these problems:

The internal backlink is disabled

  • Problem: A broken internal backlink sends each of the site’s users to non-existent web pages, and usually results in 404 errors, which is not ideal for calling “authority”.
  • Solution: This is fixed by removing the backlink or replacing it with one that points to a working page that already exists.

Links cannot be crawled

  • Problem: This error occurs when the URL format is incorrect. For example, it may contain unnecessary characters.
  • Solution: This error is fixed by checking the links reported as errors and fixing URL formatting issues, if any.

Create an internal backlink with a large number on the page

  • Problem: When a page has more than 3000 links, the site audit report flags them. There is currently no set rule on the number of backlinks per page a Google search engine crawls, but webmasters should be aware that they weigh pages heavily on usability.
  • Solution: Check all pages with more than 3000 links and remove unnecessary backlinks.

Nofollow attributes in outbound internal links

  • Problem: The rel=”nofollow” attribute in links on certain pages restricts Googlebot’s flow through your site.
  • Solution: Remove the rel=”nofollow” attribute from all internal backlinks specified in the report. This can be set at the site level or on a link-by-link basis – check with the developer if necessary.

Orphaned pages on the site

  • Problem: An orphaned page is a page whose internal backlink is not created and is not linked with any other page on your site, which means that it cannot be accessed during a crawl and therefore cannot be indexed.
  • Solution: If the orphaned page is important, include it in your internal linking strategy. If they don’t exist or are ranked by search engines, consider removing them or adding the “noindex” tag.

Page scanning depth is greater than three clicks

  • Problem: Some important pages require too many clicks for users to access them, which translates to not that important in search engines.
  • Solution: Find out where you can drop clicks to help users get to the content they want faster.

Pages with only one internal link

  • The problem: Creating a single internal backlink can mean missed opportunities for both SEO and user experience (UX). As we discussed earlier, you should link internally to homepages from other relevant content, as often as that is of course possible.
  • Solution: Select other relevant pages to link to as part of your internal linking strategy.

Permanent Redirects

  • Problem: Passing internal backlinks through persistent redirects can reduce crawling, especially on larger sites.
  • Solution: Update internal backlinks to send users and search engines directly to the landing page (don’t remove the redirect, though, if it’s still attracting traffic from other sources).

Redirect and loop strings

  • Problem: It’s hard for search engines to crawl internal backlinks that trigger redirect threads and loops. It also creates a bad user experience.
  • Solution: Refresh the internal backlink to point to the correct page. Also remove intermediate redirects in a thread (update the redirect to go from the source page to the end of the redirect path) or find the cause of the loops.

Links on HTTPS pages lead to an HTTP page

  • Problem: URLs that incorrectly point to HTTP pages on secure sites can cause unnecessary redirects.
  • Solution: Manually refresh any HTTP links pointing to HTTPS pages if the issue occurs on a small scale; Ask your developer for help if it’s sitewide.

How to build your own internal linking strategy

Your audit will show you where you can troubleshoot your site with the internal link. Your strategy will help you work on this to improve the results your website offers. Let’s take a look at how to achieve this.

Step 1: Define hub pages for your site

Your internal backlink building strategy begins with creating a list of hub pages to create what are known as topic groups. Through them you will better understand the structure of your site. Pivot pages often target general keywords with high search volumes, rather than more specific long keywords that receive fewer monthly searches. They are also often the ones driving the most valuable traffic to your business, which means they usually target your best keywords with the best content.

Step 2: Create topic groups using internal links

An internal backlink project that maps topic groups to related pages (not just related keywords) is a great way to generate positive results. Topic groups should start with the Hub page, which you just selected.

This is the home page for a specific topic. Any related pages will act as supporting content to add depth to the topic.

These pages should link internally to the homepage to show how relevant the topic is and to indicate that the homepage is the most reliable source.

Step 3: Choose the correct “Anchor Text”

The next part of the strategy involves choosing the correct anchor text when creating your internal backlink. A common question here is whether or not you should always use your target keyword as an internal anchor text. In fact, you will not be penalized for using an exact link text in your internal backlinks.

When it comes to external backlinks, manipulating anchor scripts in this way is a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, but this does not apply to your internal linking strategy. There are a few things to keep in mind to get the best results:

  • Diversity: You will not always be penalized for engagement in the same way, the impression your communication will give is that it is not normal. Try to diversify your anchor text where possible, but not so much that it detracts from your optimization efforts for some keywords.
  • Length: Using longer tail forms for keywords can help improve your landing page ranking for that specific term, as long as it’s written the way people are actually searching.
  • Relevancy: Never force an exact match anchor text in a content link. Look for natural opportunities to take advantage of them, while staying relevant.

Take the time to carefully plan how you can use Anchor Text to your advantage. It is an effective way to indicate relevance and contextual link between two pages. A little thought at this point can make all the difference in your customer’s journey.

You have complete control over the Anchor Text for each internal backlink on your site, so make sure you use it in a way that correctly indicates your landing page topics. Use the Google Search Console Performance Report to find long-term keywords that your pages have liked, even if they don’t rank highly. By updating Anchor Text the appropriate internal link with these search terms, you might see some small improvements.

Step 4: Define the authority pages for your site

Now that we’ve created a process for topic groups, it’s time to figure out how to take advantage of any authority that resides within your site.

Some pages have more authority than others and you can use it to your advantage. Your most reliable pages will be linked from external sources (remember that this is not about the number of links, of course, but about their quality). You can strategically transfer link ownership to other pages by creating internal backlinks. SEMrush’s internal backlink analysis tool will help you find these pages, so you can build a list of actions you are likely to repeat on the site, if necessary.

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  • Analyze your domain with the tool and you will get a list of indexed URLs which can be sorted by number of referring domain:

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It is preferable to rank them in this way in order of number of backlinks, as it provides a better indication of the authority of the page.

You can easily export the results as a .csv or .xls file. You can also use the crawled page information in Site Audit with a filter that returns pages with the strongest ILR for a more in-depth investigation:

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Step 5: Use Internal Backlinks to Increase Your Landing Page Rank

In this part of the strategy, you need to work on the pages with the most authority and identify opportunities to pass the link authority to others where possible. If you are working with a site that has earned a large number of high-quality links, this can be very simple. All you have to do is study which pages have the most valuable links and identify relevant opportunities to link to your most important pages or those that need to boost your ranking. Tip If any of the pages you selected do not contain relevant content, do not create an internal backlink on it.

Step 6: Use Internal Backlinks to Optimize New Content

If you are working with a site that has not gained many links, you can approach this strategy initially from the perspective of optimizing new content. This means going back to the list of trusted pages and identifying relevant communication opportunities for the benefit of the search performance. One way to do this is to do some Google searches using the keywords used in your new content to find other relevant pages to link to on your site.

For example, we may search “site: internal links” to find other articles related to this directory and add reciprocal links, where applicable, to capitalize on this post from any authority other pages may have obtained:

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These methods can help enhance your internal linking strategy, ensuring that more pages benefit from shared authority. Aim to create internal backlinks and include at least two or three internal links for each new content in your content. Make sure it comes from an authoritative page, as well as related topic group pages.

Maximizing the impact of digital PR campaigns through internal links

If creating attractive resources to earn external backlinks is part of your marketing mix, then you can use this tactic to improve your internal links as well. Think about how you can use your campaign’s landing pages to transfer authority to other relevant pages on your site. This may include basic or contextual navigation links in the text to improve your SEO and user experience as well. It is important to be aware of this opportunity when creating your own internal link strategy. Collaborating directly with your digital PR campaigns can give you advantages that your competitors haven’t thought of.

Create a simple strategy that works

A strong internal backlinking strategy can help your content rank higher on Google, whether it’s new or old. It doesn’t need to be an overly complicated business, because unlike external backlinks, you have complete control over internal links at every stage of the process. With the right data, the most effective tools and good planning, you can implement an intuitively fast strategy that gives you great results all when you create the right in-house backlink.

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