What is the meaning of the word seo and its importance for websites and tips for beginners

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What is the meaning of the word seo and its importance for websites and tips for beginners

Websites on the Internet are very interested in advancing their rank in search engines, and seek in every way to raise the quality and strength of the site to ensure access to the first positions in search. Therefore, bloggers and website owners are interested in understanding and applying the meaning of the word seo and its importance to websites, so that they can progress continuously and faster.

In this article, we will learn together about the meaning behind the word “SEO”, its importance to sites, its strategies, and how to rank among the search engines. So if you are a beginner in this field or own a website, you should read this detailed article.

The meaning of the word SEO and its importance for website

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According to what the famous “MOZ” website mentioned about the meaning of the word seo and its importance for sites that are concerned with the English language (search engine optimization), which is the process of improving your website, which aims to make it higher in the search engine results for some keywords targeted by your site to appear in the results Google searches.

These actions can be performed within the website itself by optimizing internal code or content (on-page SEO), or outside the website by creating inbound links and social signals (off-page SEO).

The importance of SEO for websites

After we know the meaning of the word seo and its importance to sites, it is obvious that everyone wants to appear on the first page of Google, because by doing so, the user’s chances of accessing the website will increase. On the other hand, appearing on the second, third or fourth page significantly reduces the reach of organic traffic, that is, visitors who arrive from the search engine.

More than 30% of clicks go to the first organic result from Google, while 95% of users never get past the first page of results. If a company wants to be the focus of its customers on the Internet, it must appear in the first results in the search engine ranking.

This is the main reason that makes search engine optimization (SEO) an essential element for the success of any website, and it is possible to implement SEO on your site yourself, but if you need to ensure access to the first ranks in the search engines, you should use an SEO expert.

seo strategies

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There are many successful SEO methods and strategies, but all of them may not suit you, so you must know them and determine which one is best for your site.

The white hat and the black hat

What is the meaning of the white hat? And is there a black hat? In SEO, as in Western films, there are also good and bad things. How do we differentiate between them at first glance? Well, because of the color of the hat they’re wearing. If you look closely, villains always wear black, while heroes always wear white.

After getting to know the meaning of the word seo and its importance for websites, it is necessary to search for the best ways to implement it safely and legally, as in the white hat strategy, which is called (White hat SEO). SEO (white hat) techniques are ethical and valid because they adhere to the guidelines set by search engines for creating a web page.

On the other hand there is what is called a “Black Hat SEO” of strategies that violate these guidelines to falsely go up for a temporary period that may expose your site to being penalized by search engines.

Why is it better to implement White Hat Seo strategies?

The percentage of users who reach the second page of Google results when they search is approximately less than 10%, so if you want your site to appear to the largest number of visitors, it is imperative that your site appear among the first results that Google shows. This will help you direct visitors to your website significantly, and thus achieve the largest amount of sales.

White hat techniques are built to follow Google’s quality guidelines, while black hat techniques look for potentially misleading acronyms and words to get more visitors more quickly. So what’s the problem with using Black Hat SEO? Well, the users of this strategy are penalized by Google, so using it comes with a high risk.

Illegal SEO Techniques Black Hat Seo

We will temporarily move to the “dark side”, to list some of the most widely used SEO techniques in Black Hat that you should avoid in order to achieve a good online reputation and stable results in the long run.

keyword stuffing

Users of this method can fake your content by including a keyword in an unnatural way, which is the maximum number of times allowed on a given page. The goal is to increase the number of this keyword. Google no longer gives much importance to the number of keywords, it even punishes excessive use of them, so the best thing to do is to type texts naturally and use synonyms.

Copy the contents of other sites

Google is very clear about this that the quality of the content is equal to the original content. So forget about copying from other pages and creating your own scripts. If Google detects duplicate content, it will display the content with an earlier date and hide the duplicates.

Buy an expired domain

Buying an expired domain, i.e. getting it still in good standing and a high ether, and redirecting it to the interest network.

Spam Comments

This bad practice is to leave comments on websites or blogs including a specific website link. Google considers it spam, as this link is not normally entered.

Hide content

Texts of the same color as the background of the page are included, for example, a large number of keywords are inserted without the user noticing. But there is the Google Bot (the bot that enters the web to explore, index and learn content), because it is an expert at spotting hidden content or links, which prevents this trick from being used.

As you can see, all of these practices miss what Google values ​​most, which is creating high-quality content and prioritizing the user. This is the strategy you should focus on if you want stable results. Having learned the meaning of the word seo and its importance for sites, Black Hat SEO strategies will only provide you with short-term results and you may get penalized, which will cost you a significant decrease in both your position and your online reputation .

SEO tips for beginners

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There are several things that you should know before starting your SEO process:

Search for the right keywords for your site

What do you want to write about on your site? When you’re clear, use Google Adwords to find out which terms are the most searched for on this topic. Remember that if this keyword is searched for by many people, it will be difficult for you to deal with it. On the other hand, if you are looking for more specific content that sets you apart from the big competition, you will have more chances of appearing in the top positions in Google.

For example, if your articles are about hotels, no matter how much you write about cheap hotels, you won’t get anything because there is a lot of competition. But, if you talk about hotels for a romantic vacation at cheap prices, the possibilities increase.

Choose a unique URL that contains keywords

Post URLs should be short and descriptive and should include the keyword, on the other hand, if we leave the URL that appears by default full of numbers and symbols, Google will not understand and appreciate anything.

Write catchy titles

Follow the rules of copywriting and create attractive titles. Some people do not like to read all the content, so if the article is in the form of a list, subsections and bold, it will be more attractive to the reader.

photo label

When you upload an image to a post, please do not leave the name you uploaded it to from the image bank. Write a descriptive name in the alternative text of no more than three words.

Use plugins that help SEO

This step is very important to improve the description of your post, do not forget that this description is previewed in Google, and depending on the creativity of your words you may receive more or less clicks. The plugin I use is All in One SEO Pack, which is easy to use and functional, and is broken down into title, description, and keywords.

Do not write duplicate content

Google penalizes duplicate and copied content from other websites. There are thousands of news published every day, you can take inspiration from it on all topics, also see the comments of people on blogs or other social networks, and from there, using this information start writing unique content.

Share your content on social networks

The last step is to share your content on social networks, know how to SEO a Facebook page and get thousands of followers for free, check the networks your target audience is using and create profiles on those appropriate social networks to attract and connect with your target, post regularly and make social media buttons visible on your blog so they can share the post if they like it.

Consider other aspects of being active in social networks such as:

Content is easy to share
Respond and interact with users
Schedule your posts and use measurement tools to improve your strategy
Create guest posts on other portals to attract visitors and climb positions in Google rankings. Publish those posts on your platforms, thus boosting your brand, and increasing your audience.

Avoid scams on search engines

searchenginejournal” added, “If you already know Google and know what you want, and you fully understand the meaning of the word seo and its importance to sites, do not act smart to try to gamble with methods such as:

Add keywords to your post without adding value
Hide links and texts from readers
Show content to search engines and different content to readers
Using specific software to copy and edit an article, trying not to let Google know

In the end, after knowing the meaning of the word seo and its importance to sites and strategies, companies that realize the importance of search engine optimization and bet on it are the ones that will make a difference and surpass their competitors. The SEO course, competing with professionals in the field of SEO.

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