Facebook advertising plans

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Facebook advertising plans

Every successful project must be based on a precise plan and a solid method of work. In the field of e-marketing, in order to ensure success in marketing your product or service, you must know and understand how those advertisements work. Below we will explain the Facebook advertising plans with all their contents, with a detailed explanation of each of:

  • Buying ads with reach and frequency
  • Brand awareness.
  • Optimization at the level of the advertising campaign.

First, we will talk about the “Reach and Frequency” method of advertising. In this way, we will not enter auctions, but rather buy an audience. Ask that the ad be directed to a specific audience with a certain number. Set the cost without auctions permanently, but this method is not available for all advertising accounts, especially new ones.

How does this method work?

  • Go to the Campaigns page.
  • Then click on “Create” and a page titled “Create New Campaign” will appear.
  • The default option “Auction” appears in the “Budget Type” field, which displays all types of advertising campaigns.
  • Click on the arrow, and two options will appear, including “Reach and Frequency”.
  • Some campaigns cannot use this type of advertising. We find the message campaign and other campaigns, as we can see:

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  • We choose one of these goals and let it be “Traffic”.
  • After pressing the “Continue” button.
  • A page appears with the “Name Campaign” field, we write the name of the campaign, let it be (Nofal Seo)
  • The ads here appear later after the campaign is booked, because campaigns of this type are by reservation in order for the audience to be prepared first and then display the advertisement.
  • Finally, click on the “New Ad Set” button.
  • On the next page, you will see a “schedule” showing the start and end date of the campaign.
  • The audience is also shown. From “Edit Audience” select the desired audience.
  • Then click on “Use Saved Audience” if the audience is already registered with us.
  • In the absence of an audience, we specify both age and gender and assume that we target those interested in SEO.
  • At the bottom of the page, it asks about the type of advertisement, and several options appear, leaving the default option “Image or Carousel”.
  • When we reach the “Placement” option, we find two options, and they are, as we can see:Then we click on “New Ad Set.” We notice here that the advertisement is not present except for the other campaigns that were shown in the Option with three levels. Now he is being asked about the campaign whose name is written only, which is (Nofal Seo), which was previously established.

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  • At the bottom of the page we find “Automatic placement” “Optimization and delivery”
  • We choose Placements Automatic. The budget is supposed to be set, but in the case of this type of ads, the budget is set in another way.
  • This type of advertising plans must have a large budget and target at least 200,000 people. Therefore, this type of advertising is more suitable for large companies that set large advertising budgets.
  • From this page “New Traffic ad set” you can specify the audience with the specifications you want.
  • You can also specify the traffic or the “Traffic”. You find in this choice the place where you want the traffic to be on websites, in a specific application, or in “Messenger” messages or on “WhatsApp”.
  • There is also a choice of dynamic creativity, from here you can present creative things such as images.

The next choice is “Budget & Schedule.” Budget and schedule From this option we can determine the budget we want for the advertising campaign, and we can specify the schedule for the campaign as shown, the start and end dates as shown in the table:

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  • The next option is for the audience or “Audience.” You can specify who you want to see your ad, which age group, male or female, or both, their interests and locations, and the language you target in the ads plans.
  • Then comes the choice of “Placements”, and there are two choices:
  • “Automatic placements” here helps you to reach your ad to the largest number of people Use automatic placements to maximize your budget and this is the recommended and best choice
  • The second option is “Manual placements.” Manual placements are faithful. You manually choose the places to display your ad, the more placements you select, the greater the chances of targeting your audience.
  • There is also a “Brand safety” option, which is to prevent your ads from appearing within or next to content that has nothing to do with your brand, and it is to manage brand safety controls.
  • “Inventory filter” selection for Facebook in-stream videos, Instagram in-stream videos, and Facebook Instant Articles.
  • We come to the option of “Optimization and delivery”, which includes optimization for displaying ads, which contain:
  • Landing page views
  • “Link clicks” in the case of advertising plans in the manner of access and recurrence are determined automatically.
  • “Daily unique reach”
  • “Impressions”
  • Then we find the “Cost cap” option, which contains the cost you want
  • “Bid cap” Maximum Bid
  • Then we find the option “When you are charged”
  • Then “Delivery type”.
  • Here we have not already added an advertisement, by returning to the Ads page we click on the name of the campaign that was created as we see:

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  • We enter the campaign and add the ad by clicking on “create”. It appears to us as we can see:

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  • From inside this screen, we will specify the name of the advertisement, let it be (Nofal Seo).
  • From within the “Ad Set” option we choose “Use existing post” as we see:

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  • With this choice, we choose to use a post from those already present, and a page appears from which we choose the post we want, as we see:

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  • When we return to “Campaigns” again, and enter the “New Ad Set”, we can make a second advertisement within the “Ad Set” and the same campaign.
  • This means that the budget you set before will be distributed to all ads and the one with the best reach will be shown first.
  • After that, as we explained previously, we choose a post other than the first one that was chosen, and so it is possible to make more than one advertisement within one campaign.
  • In the end, the “Ad Set” page shows the advertisements that we have made and shows us the scheduling of these advertisements and their arrangement for display to the public.

Brand awareness campaign

Moving on to the next point in advertising plans is brand awareness, “Brand Awareness”.

  • From the “Campaign” page, the “Create New Campaign” page appears, from which we choose “Brand Awareness”.
  • Then we click on “Continue” as we can see:

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  • After pressing the “continue” button, the page appears with the name “New Campaign”, from which we specify the name of the campaign, let it be (Seo Egypt).
  • Then we set the budget and leave the default choice it is a daily budget.
  • In choosing the “Audience”, we choose the “Use Saved Audiences”.
  • A list appears for us to choose from the audience we want, and any modifications we want can be made through the “Edit” as we see:

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  • After defining the audience in the advertising plans for brand awareness, we go to the “Placements” item.
  • We find in it two options, we choose “Manual placesments” and we delete the “Audience Network” option because we often do not use it because it directs the advertisement to many people without benefit. We leave the rest of the options checked as shown:

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  • In the same place at the end of the page we find the “Apps and sites” we find it is not activated, we also choose “In article”.
  • We go to the ads section, from the left side of the page we click on “Ad New”
  • We put a name for the advertisement and let it be (my freedom).
  • We find the choice of “Identily” we specify the Facebook page or the Instagram account.
  • Click on the arrow from the “Facebook page” selection and choose the page or account we want, and let it be a “horiaty” page, as we see:

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  • In the event that this account has been linked to the Instagram page, you will find it specified in the field for specifying the Instagram page, but if it is not linked, select the Instagram page.
  • In the field “Create Ad” we find three options, we choose “Use Existing post” as we can see:

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  • From the selection “Ad creative” as we can see:

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  • We choose the post on which we want to advertise from the “select post” as we can see:

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  • In the image shown above, we have three options that ask us about where to use the post, is it in:
  • “facebook”
  • “instagram”
    “Branded content”, but this choice is not known in the Arab countries and did not use advertising plans.
  • Here it will show you all the posts or “All posts” that exist even the “Dark post” that was previously published in previous ads, we can use them and make ads on them instead of creating a new post.
  • When the arrow goes down, we find that some publications have an exclamation mark (!), which means that this post is not valid for publication on Instagram for several reasons, including that it may have a large area that contains pictures or videos of a large area that is not suitable for Instagram.
  • Some publications have a (-) sign on them, which means that they are not suitable for final publication.
  • By clicking on the selection of all posts or “All posts”, it appears to us like this:

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  • We click on the last option as shown above “Available posts only” This option will show us only the posts available to us that do not have a stop sign (-).
  • In the event that all posts are selected, they will all be displayed, and we can also search for a specific post, video or photo through the search box. We go to it and type the name of the post we want.
  • In the Instagram section, when you select it, the posts and stories page within Instagram will appear.
  • You can make a filter for it by clicking on the arrow next to it to show you several options. You can choose the posts that were published today or from several previous days via the “select dates” button, or choose the “Stores” to make an advertisement on them.
  • We return again to Facebook, choose the post we want, and then click on the “Continue” button.
  • The post appears for us. You can change the post by clicking on the “Change Post” button. The page appears, we choose another post and click on “Continue”.
  • You can also create a new post by clicking on the “Create post” button. It will be created and shown on the same page. It will not be a “Dark post”, but here we will choose a post from the already existing one.
  • We also find the “Enter Post Id” button, and this button we use in the event that it is difficult for you to find the post. We press “New Tap” in Google and type “Facebook” and go to the page and choose the post we want.
  • By clicking on the date at the top of the post, as we can see:

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  • By clicking on this date, the post will appear on a separate page and at the top of the page in the place of the “Url” number as shown in the picture. This number is “Post Id”.

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  • We take a copy of the “Post Id” and go back to the “Enter Post Id” field and put the number in it, and the post we want will appear.
  • After selecting the post, we will find the “call to action” button, which is the button we add to the post in order to motivate the reader to take a specific action by clicking on it. You can add any of the options that appear to you as we see:

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  • After adding the “call to action” key you want, you will see the shape of the post you chose, which contains the button that was added.
  • The post will appear in the “preview.” The post you have chosen contains a square image, for example, it will not be displayed in this way in all places with a square image, for example, the story displays the image in length, unlike the post in which the image is square. All this appears in the preview as we see:

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  • You have to make sure that the picture fits all the display places, how?
  • We return to the “Ad set” and from the “placements” and we teach on “facebook and Audience network” in order to make the image suitable for all places, as we see:

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  • We find it here as shown in the image. It is specified for the different sizes of the image in several places, as shown:

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  • Referring to the “preview”, we find that the image in the post does not fit the story, and it will appear with a blank at the top and bottom in order to be modified.
  • We go to the “Edit placement” button on the same page, and from us you will be told where you want to edit the post, as we see:

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  • We choose “Instagram stories” and the image appears with its full specifications on the left side with the “In Stream” preview system, as we see:

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  • From this page we can also change the text inside the post or change the background color of the image.
  • We can change this image into a video by pressing the “Edit” button in this window, and a page appears, from which we press the arrow inside the checkbox called “Change.” A page titled “Change Media” appears, and there are two options that contain two buttons, namely “Videos” and “Images”.
  • Click on the “Videos” button, and after the videos appear, we choose what we want, but the photos and videos are saved to you in the “Account”. You have, so we click on the “Account Videos” options menu, and a drop-down list appears containing four options, as we can see:

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  • We choose “Videos Page” from it, and a page appears with the videos on the account, as we can see, but here we do not have videos on this page:

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  • After we have chosen the video that we want to show in “In Stream”.
  • We must note that the video in “In Stream” is from 5 to 15 seconds, not more than that if the video is not present.
  • We click on the “Upload” button on the same page.
  • Then choose “Account Videos” from the four options available, and then click on “Upload” on this page.
  • Then a page appears with all the videos that are inside the account, from which we choose the video, then we press the “Open” button, and the page appears, we choose the video and it is uploaded.

In the previous part of the advertising plans, we made an advertisement on an already existing post, and we learned about the different ways to modify it. After completing all the additions and modifications, we press the “Publish” button to publish the advertisement. But in the event that you want to postpone it and not publish it at the present time, we press the “close” button, not “Publish.” It will be automatically saved in the draft automatically. If you want to modify it, then you can do so from the “Edit” button, as we see in the picture:

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After pressing the “Edit” button, we find on the next page the advertisement is in it, and we see that there is a red mark that means there is an error. This is not an error related to the advertisement itself. This error is that you did not specify a payment method.

Optimization at the level of the advertising campaign

After we talked about buying subsidies in an outreach fashion and campaigning brand awareness in advertising plans. Now we will talk about the improvement at the level of the advertising campaign. Suppose the target audience is in Kuwait, here we have more than one way to make the first advertising campaign. It is to follow the previous methods that we discussed in the explanation, and the second is that you do “Duplicate” the campaign or repeat the campaign and modify it as you want from this page as shown:

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  • From the “ Campaigns” page, we find the name of the campaign, which is in our example (Nofal SEO), which we have done in explaining the ad plans previously. :

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  • We write 1 copy, then click on “Duplicate” and it will appear on another new page called “Nofal Seo copy”.
  • All the details appear to us as if we are creating a campaign anew, as previous campaigns show us.
  • In the “Campaign name” field, we write the name of the new campaign, let it be (Nofal Seo 2).
  • We go to the “Ad Set” and we change the name of the advertisement and leave the budget as it is and then go to the audience “Audience”.
  • Then we press the “Edit” to change the country to Kuwait instead of Egypt, as we see:

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  • After that, we click on the “Save As New” button and leave the ad on the same post.
  • Then a page appears asking us to specify the name of the audience, let it be (Kuwait audience).
  • We click on the “Publish” button to publish the campaign or advertisement, or we click on “Close” in order to save a draft to run at a later time.
  • Referring to “Campaigns”, we find that the campaign has already been repeated, as we can see:

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  • Inside each campaign has its own “Ad Set” and its own budget.
  • If you want to change the budget, you can click on the pen mark from the Campaigns page, as we can see:

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  • This is the simple way to change the budget, but this method will allow us to have many campaigns to avoid this. I can do more than one “ad set” in one campaign.
  • When we choose a campaign, we enter the subject of the sentence and we will be educators of a specific campaign and press “Duplicate set.” A screen will appear for you. You can do more than one “Ad Set” by typing the copy number you want and then pressing “Duplicate” as we see:

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  • On the next page, we see one campaign with 2 “Ad set” inside it, which are (SEO) (SEO 2 (within the campaign) Nofal SEO 2) as we see:

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  • Within each “Ad” ad, we can go to “AD set” and change its name from the “Ad set Name” field.
  • We can go to the audience or the “Audience” and change anything we want.
  • It is also possible to change the budget or “Budget”.
  • We also go to the audience. We can change it with the audience we want, which was created previously, as we can see:

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  • Note that the ad is the same but will be directed to a different audience which we have changed.
  • What is distinguished here is that we have not created two campaigns, but we have created one campaign with “2 Ad Set” inside so far, the difference lies in the organization of the campaign only.
  • By referring to the campaign or the “Campaigns”, we will find our advertising campaign with 2 “Ad Set” inside, as we can see:

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  • You can now make Facebook spend on the campaign with the largest results the most budget.
  • Go to the “Campaign” named in our example (Novel Seo) and click on “Edit”.
  • From the edit page, the box called “Campaign Budget Optimization” appears.
  • We activate “CBO” by changing the indicator from “Off” to “ON” as shown in the picture:

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  • Here you set the budget for the “Campaign”. All of them will Facebook start dividing the budget on the “Ad Set” that exists according to what it sees more AD Set that gives better results.
  • You can make a tree of AD Sets and ads within a single Campaign.
  • In the event that you want to make a new “Ad Set” without having to go back again, next to the name of the “Ad Set” there are three dots.
  • By clicking on them, several options will appear, including “Duplicate” or we choose “quick duplicate” to know a quick copy without having to ask about the number of copies, as we see:

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  • We can modify what we want in this version and the budget for the three “Ad Set” is the same.
  • Inside each ‘Ad Set’ we can change the ad via the ‘Change Post’ button. A page appears, from which we choose the post we want, then click “Continue” as we see:

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  • You can make more than one advertisement in one “Ad Set” via “Quickly duplicate”.
  • A second advertisement is created within the SEO copy campaign, as we can see:

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  • In case you want to make a copy of the same ad in the “Ad Set”. Do not press “duplicate” because in this case it will
  • Select the advertisement and from the three dots next to it, click on “Copy”.
  • Then go to the “Ad Set” you want and do “Past.” The ad will be copied with everything in it, as we can see:

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  • Thus, within the “Ad Set” seo becomes two advertisements: (My Declaration of Freedom) and (My Freedom), as we see:

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  • Each advertisement has a different post within the different “ad set”, thus the total number of advertisements within the two “ad set”. There are 4 different ads left. Facebook will see which of them comes with greater results and start spending more on it in advertising plans.

We have finished and got acquainted with the advertising plans on Facebook, and in the next article we will learn about the various types of advertising plans on Facebook.

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