Optimizing and promoting posts on Facebook

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Optimizing and promoting posts on Facebook

Boosting posts can help you get more messages, video views, leads or even calls. You can also reach new people who are likely to be interested in your page or business, but are not currently following you. Therefore, before making an advertisement, you must learn about ways to improve and promote publications. This is what we will explain in the following.

Improving and promoting posts

The first step in making the advertisement is to choose “Ads Manager” or the Ads Manager is located on the left of the page, and this is the main place for advertising in a professional manner.

How do I access Ads Manager?

1- From the main page, we click on the “Ads Manager” option, as we can see below:

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2- Then we choose the ad account for which we want to create ads by pressing the arrow next to the name in the “campaigns” field, and more than one ad account appears, including within Facebook Business and the other within the personal “Account”. (Facebook automatically assumes that the account you want to advertise from is the last account you created).

3- We choose the “Account” of Facebook Business, a page appears on this page, no advertisement appears because nothing of the advertisements is created.

4- We first create the advertising campaign or “Campaign” and within the advertising campaign there is more than an “Ad Set” or an ad group, and within each ad group there is more than one Ad (ad).

5- The next page appears, we click on “Create New Campaign”.

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6- A page appears divided into three groups containing 11 goals. These groups are:

  • “Awareness” has two goals (informing the audience a specific need).
  • “Consideration” has 6 goals (interest, i.e. start an interaction work such as commenting or like and share the advertisement).
  • “Conversion” has three objectives (and includes converting the customer from an interested customer to a customer who takes the purchase action).

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To improve and promote posts, we choose the “Ads Center”, we will find a button called “post Boost”, which is located at the bottom of each post. This means pushing the post or making it better visible to people, because in Facebook’s algorithms, as we previously knew, the post naturally reaches a certain number of people, but when you press the “post Boost” button, this means that you ask Facebook to provide the largest number of viewers for the post. This is the simplest way to make an advertisement on a post that has already been done, as shown in the picture.

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  • We find the option “Goal” at the top left of the page, as shown in the picture, and it is a choice that asks you about the purpose of the advertisement. The general goal is to reach as many people as possible.
  • Within the “Goal” there are several inquiries that explain the main goal of the post and what you want to achieve from it, such as the type of communication “Action to Call” Do you want to send messages or enter your site, what do you want with the quality of communication. We find a choice written “Automatic” meaning that you let Facebook choose the most appropriate goal for you from this post to improve and promote publications as shown in the image.

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There are several options within the “Goal” selection.

  • “Action to Call” is a button that prompts the audience to take action towards the post.
  • ” MESSAGE SEND ” When you want your followers to send messages on the page and be able to contact you.
  • You can change this button, by clicking on the arrow next to it, several commands appear, from which we choose another “action to call”, in case we want to send messages, we add the “MESSAGE SEND” button.
  • Or in the event that you want people to enter the social media page on your site “Learn More”, meaning to know more about the details of the (Nofal Seo course) as we have in the example. By clicking on this button, you will go directly to the home page of the site for which we previously registered the link in the “page info”.
  • After choosing the course and the video that explains it, we press “C + Ctrl” from the keyboard to take a copy of this video and put here the website for the URL, this is what is required “Call to action”.
  • We find “Special Ad Category”, which is related to political advertisements that are related to communication or related to elections. In the event that the advertisement is specific to that, click on the activation button to give approval to that, but this type of advertisement has nothing to do with the Arab world.

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  • Then we find the choice of the public or “Audience”. On our way to complete the journey of improving and promoting publications.
  • Here he inquires about the audience you want to direct the advertisement to. Let us suppose that you target male and female guardians between the ages of 21 to 35. Here you take the next step.
  • Click on “Create New” and create a new audience that serves your goals and has all the specifications you want.
  • As soon as you click on the “Create New” button, a screen will appear to you with a place to put a name for the audience you want.
  • From the same place, you can specify the type of target audience and the year of its name, with the name that distinguishes it for you.

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  • A window will appear asking us to locate the target audience of the advertisement under the name “locations”.
  • From there, you type the name of the country you want to target, a map will appear showing you where you will be targeted, and many options will appear to you as shown in the image.
  • After choosing where to target the audience from your ad, you will have to determine the purpose of the ad. By clicking on “target”, we have identified the interests of the audience we are targeting, as shown below.

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After completing this step, we have determined

  • A name for this audience makes it special to the ad maker.
  • The type of audience we target, whether men or women.
  • Where exactly is this audience?
  • The ages of the target audience.
  • interests of the target audience.
  • Once this is done, we will click on the “save audience” button. Thus, this audience will be preserved for you with all the details that you specified previously.
  • After that, he asks us about the duration of the advertisement. This advertisement is likely to run for 5 days. Facebook prefers that the duration of the advertisement be 5 days. This is because Facebook is going through the “learning” phase, in which it begins to teach, improve and promote your posts. If you set the duration of your ad for two days, it will not be able to improve your results. It is better to make the ad for 5 days.
  • In the end, you are asked to specify the budget for the advertisement, which is the “Budget”.

We find the written as shown in the picture 110,88 pounds. You can change this budget by moving the cursor up or down, as we see:

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  • After that, the place you want to post the ad will appear to you. You will find options such as Facebook and Messenger.
  • We will find the word “Facebook pixel” Leave this option at the default “No pixel”.
  • The next and final choice is the “payment method”, which is a payment made by Visa.
  • Then you will have to press the “Boost post now” button as we can see:

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  • In the event that you want to know the stats of the advertisement that you have made. Go to your page, and under the post you will find the statistics of the advertisement, such as the “people reached”, and they are the people who reached the advertisement, as shown in the image, as we can see:

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With this step, we have reached the end of our journey in the process of optimizing and promoting posts on Facebook. Follow us. In the next article, we will learn about the advertising center on Facebook.


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