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Facebook advertising plans

22 February، 2022

Every successful project must be based on a precise plan and a solid method of work. In the field of e-marketing, in order to ensure success in marketing your product or service, you must know and understand how those advertisements work. Below we will explain the Facebook advertising plans with all their contents, with a […]

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Facebook ads plans of all kinds

22 February، 2022

As we learned in the previous part about a group of advertising campaigns on Facebook, now we will complete the rest of the explanation of the ads on Facebook and the different advertising plans, so that you can choose the appropriate type, which serves the goal that you want to achieve through your advertising. Below […]

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Create Saved Audiences on Facebook

22 February، 2022

Audiences on Facebook are central to our advertising campaigns, and it’s a feature that allows you to group users with common characteristics and customize your ads accordingly. In this way, we can create campaigns to influence these people with a message that matches their characteristics, needs and problems, all with the aim of personalizing messages […]

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How to adjust targeting and build audiences on Facebook

22 February، 2022

Targeting and audience building on Facebook is well established in online marketing, where the term “goal-oriented approach” appears frequently. Companies often spend large amounts of money on marketing campaigns with the aim of promoting a product as much as possible and thus increasing sales. With the right targeting, banner ads, videos, and search engine ads […]

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detailed targeting on facebook ads

22 February، 2022

Detailed targeting is one of the targeting options available in the “Audience” section of ad group creation that allows you to optimize the group of people to whom you show your ads. You can do this with information such as additional demographics, interests, and behaviors. Where we accurately determine our customers in terms of, his […]

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Facebook Brand Safety

22 February، 2022

Brand Safety on Facebook means that your ad will not be displayed in certain places, such as sites with extreme violence, pornographic films, or sites that talk about religion that oppose some religions. In other words, it is to maintain your brand and control where it appears and is used by using the brand’s security […]

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Bids Bidding Strategies

21 February، 2022

In this important part of the explanation of ads on Facebook, we will learn about the calculation methods for subsidies on Facebook, which intimidate many advertising users. We will answer many important questions that arise. Perhaps the most famous of those questions is the budget that you have set, how is it spent, how does […]

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Bear Algorithm in Facebook Ads

21 February، 2022

Facebook has a very large database for each user, more than 3000 information about each person with various types of information related to the person, even the simplest information that you do not expect Facebook to monitor, such as when you buy things during the month. What colors attract you. And the first information that […]

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Facebook Advertising Cost and Bidding Strategies

21 February، 2022

Over the previous articles, we have tried as much as possible to simplify the basic concepts related to Facebook ads. In terms of the different bidding strategies and calculation methods that Facebook uses in calculating the cost of advertising on Facebook. Perhaps this is the hardest part for everyone, because it relates to the methods […]

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Budget and schedule

21 February، 2022

Any new advertisement is done on a budget and schedule. Its budget is hypothetical on a daily basis, meaning that the cost and expenses of this advertisement are calculated on a daily basis, to infinity. This happens naturally and continuously until the advertiser himself stops the advertisement. Another way to set the budget and schedule […]

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How to Create a Facebook Pixel

21 February، 2022

Facebook Pixel is a programming code that is written in the javascript programming language. After its creation, it is added to your site through the Facebook Pixel. You can track and know site visitors so that you can then make ads and target them again, in the following we will explain how to create Facebook […]

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Facebook event manager

20 February، 2022

The way in which the company’s events are managed, leads to enhancing or damaging the company’s reputation and the customer base. Those events that are represented in the events or meetings allow the company to promote its brand and establish new relationships. The same applies to Facebook, managing events and tracking them by pixel is […]

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